Capricorn Horoscope December 2021: Monthly Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health
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Capricorn Horoscope December 2021. Photo: vietnamtimes. |
Monthly Planetary Horoscope
December starts with a Venus and Pluto conjunction happening in your own sign. This means it will be happening in your 1st house of self, the body and personality. Whenever Venus and Pluto get together, all forms of love are intensified. Self-love indeed is one of them, but Pluto tends to take things a bit too far. It's important to check yourself for issues with narcissism. This doesn't necessarily have to be the vain type of selfishness that we usually think about. This can also mean being too focused on your own problems, trying to achieve something at all costs, etc. Ask yourself how much you've been focusing on yourself and how much you are serving others.
The last eclipse of the year and the New Moon of the month will be happening in Sagittarius, your 12th house. This being the last eclipse that will occur in your 12th house for the next 18 years will be a conclusive page on what would've been quite the introspective chapter of your life. Eclipses in the 12th can be the catalyst of seclusion and mental fog. There might still be a little of that on this one coming up, but this time the fog will surely dissipate, and you'll begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's a time for self-realization and learning to be your best friend.
Further down the month, Mars will be square with Jupiter. This will be happening between your 11th and 2nd house. This could indicate a need to get social and get up to some "nasty" behaviour. This is all about being contrarian and cheating the system with your friends. Be careful with the ideas you and your friends have. Some might sound fun, and the thrill of risky activities can be extra alluring during this time. With that in mind, remember that some actions have severe consequences if taken too far. That's not to say you shouldn't enjoy a little adventuring, but avoid acting recklessly childish.
After Mars is done with Jupiter, it will change signs and enter Sagittarius. As mentioned earlier, this is your 12th house, and since the eclipse just happened there, this means that Ketu, the Moon's South Node, will catch Mars right as it enters the sign. Ketu tends to diminish the power of any planet that comes within its grasp. This means that both aggression and vigour can be challenging energies to channel at this time. Especially since this is happening in your 12th house of secrets and hidden emotions, expressing your frustration may be problematic. This could get you feeling angsty and irritated for no apparent reason, so try to do things you enjoy to remediate those yucky feelings. Taking some time alone can be exceptionally beneficial at this time.
The last Saturn and Uranus square of the year will be happening between your 2nd and 5th house. This transit has made 2021 a year of focusing on using your creativity to earn more money. Chances are, with Saturn in the mix of this transit, the start has been quite rocky. The bad news is that this last transit will likely bring some of these challenges back to the surface again. Still, the good news is that this will be the last time it happens, and it's a decisive moment of this cycle. Saturn appreciates it when we buckle up and get to work, and even though it may be the holiday season right now and work is the last thing you want to hear about, making an effort at this time will yield extraordinary results. Uranus is the planet of sudden events, so utilize this energy to manifest unexpected blessings.
The Full Moon of the month in Gemini will be happening in your 6th house. This points towards a need to develop actionable plans for the year ahead. Going with the flow is good, but there are times that attention to detail and planning is necessary. While a Full Moon in the 6th is not the most fun, it's where real results are made through focus. Gemini, while flexible, lacks a lot of focus. Try to stick to setting small goals and taking them one step at a time. You will not regret it.
The year comes to a close with the long-awaited Jupiter ingress into Pisces. This is happening in your 3rd house of learning and communication. Whenever Jupiter is in his own sign, abundance, expansion, and faith are all-pervasive to whatever area of life they show up at. This transit also lasts for a whole year, so it will colour much of 2022. Expect new learning experiences, learning critical new skills, and most of all, expect to be heard. Pisces in the 3rd house can make for quite the exotic communicator, but for once, the dreams and metaphors that the sign is so fond of will be universally understood. Don't be afraid to get out there and make yourself visible.
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Capricorn Monthly Horoscope, December 2021. Photo: vietnamtimes. |
In December, you can attract suitors using your charm. During this month, love will play a pivotal part in your life. You will feel the urge to completely conquer your partner and express the smallest of affections. Up until December 21st, the Venus will stay strong for Capricorns, thus facilitating favourable emotional encounters. In December you will try to evaluate how you did throughout 2020. While doing so, don’t be so hard on yourself. Don’t blame yourself for every failure this year. Try to critically evaluate how, and why you failed. Moreover, while planning for next year, do not focus only on achieving new milestones, keep room for reflecting back on your achievements, and enjoy free time. |
Capricorn Monthly Horoscope
December - this month it is worth to focus on spiritual and material aspirations. Stay away from loud, loud social events. Spend this time on reflection and reflection. The only thing you will need now is the peace, quiet and presence of people who have extensive knowledge and experience. Get ready for a nice surprise! Thanks to the help of the fishman, you arrange your values and views. In addition, it will put you in a lot of fascination. In your company you will feel perfectly, like soul mates. You will spend a very nice time during an artistic event.
Starting from December 3rd, you will be drowning in work. But your response to it will not be annoyed, rather you will say to yourself it is better to stay busy than have nothing to do. Till the 17th, major successes in both your personal, and private life awaits you. Don’t exhaust all your energy on work, save some for parties. You will start receiving lucrative business proposals starting around Christmas. They might offer you many new business opportunities. Right around December 23rd, you will see a big influx of money. Use the money and invest in profitable ventures.
You have a well-balanced personal life; your finances are good. Now all you need to focus on is keeping your body in good shape.
Predictions for December 2021 Capricorn Horoscope indicate a propitious time for starting new projects. Love life can be made more harmonious by making a few adjustments. Life will be exciting with too many activities during the month. It is important for Capricorn personality to take a few breaks to replenish energies. Businessmen will have opportunities to start new ventures. End of the month favors brings more profits. These can be used for the expansion of business activities or can be invested in profitable savings instruments.
Capricorn Monthly Love Horoscope
Capricorn compatibility will be peaceful at the beginning of the month. After some modifications, love will be on the right track. New relationships will be full of surprises and will take new paths. If you want to reach your objectives, you have to be tolerant. Marital relationships can be made more affectionate by spending quality time with your spouse. Life will be blissful because of companionship and planning for a child.
Single persons will be successful in getting into new love relationships if they are more confident. During the third week of the month, you will have good chances of getting your love. This will transform your life very much.
The month will start off with a pleasant relation with your loved one. As the month progresses, you will find need to adjust some things, and you will be good to go. Don’t panic if your love life takes a few unexpected turns.
The last month might have a few unexpected vacations, and unforeseen circumstances, but the year will definitely end on a good note. Hold on to your patience. Greatness awaits you.
The month of December will give you mane romantic encounters, you will go out with your partner, and spend some magical moments. The little love encounters, and affectionate moments will make your partner fall strongly for you.
Christmas might make you feel a bit homesick. You might start to remember your old memories. If you are single, you shouldn’t panic. Something extraordinary is waiting for you. Before December 21st, you have a high chance of meeting your soul mate.
This month the affairs of your family are unlikely to have smooth sailing, since the combination of stars facing you is none too favourable. There is a distinct possibility that some people below you in the social strata might create trouble for you or even cause serious harm. Deal with this firmly, before the situation gets out of hand.
The family atmosphere would also remain tension – ridden with no signs of harmony among the members. In such circumstances, pay special attention to children who may tend to become irritable and disobedient. In fact, you would do well to spend a lot of time and energy on their affairs to set things right.
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Capricorn Monthly Horoscope. Photo: buildingbeautifulsouls. |
Monthly predictions for 2021 for family affairs present a depressing picture. Planetary aspects are not beneficial, and this will create disharmony between family members. Interference from outsiders will spoil family happiness. You should not allow this at any cost. Relationships between members will not be cordial. Affairs of children will take a beating because of the adverse family environment. Stellar positions are not positive and children fail to make good progress in their academic careers. Competitive tests will be difficult to get through without extra coaching. Their relationship with senior members of the family and outsiders will not be pleasant.
A month during which the prospects for your children are not very bright since the stars are not very favourably disposed. The performance of most of the wards of you people would tend to be below normal, necessitating extra tuitions and encouragement. Those sitting for competitive examinations should particularly go in for extra coaching.
There is, however, the likelihood that those engaged in pursuing some practical trade or apprenticeship etc. may do relatively better. Further, some of them could also behave in an unruly manner and even get involved in fights with servants and such people.
Capricorn Monthly Money Horoscope
An excellent month, during which you would have ample opportunity to advance your financial prospects. Some of you could get the benefit of an unexpected windfall, a very welcome event from your point of view.
There is further reason to believe that circumstances would favour speculative activity, and some of you could well go on to make handsome profits. In fact, most of you would be able to achieve success in realizing your objectives, in fairly quick time. There is the further likelihood of some of you generating a sizeable chunk of unaccounted income.
In terms of finance, Capricorns must put equal emphasize on savings like they did last month. They will go a long way if they can put aside their impulses and focus on the work at hand. Overall, December will bring in a lot of fortune for you. Just stay calm.
2021 December forecast for Capricorn zodiac sign foretells a highly prosperous situation for financial affairs. Stellar positions are auspicious and businessmen and traders will make handsome profits. Exporters and fine arts dealers will have no problem in selling their products.
You can expect money from inheritances and from unknown sources. Speculations and investments will give very good dividends. The month is auspicious for commencing new business ventures with financial assistance.
Capricorn Monthly Career Horoscope
Venus makes a station (camps out) right on Pluto from the 11th onward. A significant career development is happening. You might not see it right away, as Venus will be going retrograde on the 19th, but something interesting is happening. Life will be lived differently. Fear of death is one of the great obstacles to attaining one’s dreams. Mercury is impacted by this eclipse, bringing job changes – either within your present company or with another one.
2021 Capricorn horoscope for career prospects do not present a happy situation. Star aspects are not propitious and this will result in disharmony in the office atmosphere. Relationship with colleagues and superiors will be full of conflicts and this will affect your performance and rewards badly.
To have some mental peace, you can engage yourself in humanitarian activities and spiritual engagements.
The augury from the stars is none too encouraging for your career prospects. Even superiors and bosses would not be very helpful. In this scenario, you would have to work quite hard for rewards that would be relatively meagre.
More important, there is a distinct chance that you would meet stiff opposition, even though of an indirect kind, at your place of work or business. This you must deal with ability. Try to anticipate trouble spots and take remedial action well in time.
December will usher in many new opportunities for you to self-improve and make career progresses. Improve your performance, and your efforts will not go unnoticed. If you are currently unemployed do not give upon searching for the ideal job for you.
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Capricorn Zodiac Sign. Photo: shutterstock. |
Capricorns might feel frustrated due to the feeling of not being able to give all they have got. However, this feeling is temporary. It will fade away quickly.
You will find yourself many new opportunities to accomplish great new things, but you must be confident. To achieve the success, you want for yourself, you must dive into the abyss, and find your way.
Nothing particularly favourable, about the augury from the stars this month in so far as your educational pursuits are concerned. All examination results this month, of most of you would be below expectations, to say the least. Therefore, those appearing for competitive examinations or other important examinations should go in for extra coaching well in advance, since this could turn out to be an important step, and go a long way in ensuring success.
Students of engineering especially electrical or mechanical engineering, would have to work much harder than usual to maintain their ranking. In fact, most of you would have to struggle quite a bit to realize your objectives, and even then, not achieve much success.
December 2021 horoscopes for Capricorn star sign is not helpful for the academic development of students. Professional students will have to struggle hard to keep up with their studies. Commerce students will fail to do well in their courses. Astral aspects are not promising and this will make you dull and you will have a problem in clearing competitive examinations. Additional coaching and more effort may help. Almost all courses of study will present serious problems.
Capricorn Monthly Health Horoscope
December 2021 Capricorn horoscope predicts fabulous conditions for health affairs. You will be benefited by auspicious astral aspects and there will not be any major health affliction. Chronic ailments will be under control and prompt medical care will take care of small heath problems. Your temperament will be cheerful and optimistic. Your attention should focus on preserving your good health. This can be done through regular fitness programs and healthy diet practices. Anxiety can be minimized by proper scheduling of your activities and through relaxation procedures.
When was the last time you went to the eye doctor? If it has been long, it is high time you visit your doctor. You might discard the mild headaches you get from time to time. But it is not prudent to overlook health issues. Go see your doctor and find out the real problem for your discomfort. Do not shy away from alternative methods. You might solutions you are looking for in places you weren’t taking seriously.
Once the excitement of the eclipse dies down, the month ahead is happy. Health is still wonderful. You look good – the personal appearance shines. With Venus in your sign all month, there is beauty and grace to the image. The Sun in your sign (after the 21st) gives charisma and sex appeal. You look successful and happy career opportunities are happening. People see you as successful and look up to you. After the 21st, as the Sun moves into your sign, you begin a yearly personal pleasure period. All the pleasures of the body are available and you will probably partake.
A fairly beneficial month for your health, during which you should stay quite fit. A note of caution should, however, be sounded about refraining from over- exertion. This could create all kinds of health problems for you. Therefore, draw out a reschedule of activity, well in advance, that does not put undue strain on your system.
It is very likely that nothing untoward. would happen, but a precautionary measure is always better than treatment after the fact. Also, pay attention to avoiding any unclean or stale food, since this could give you a bout of food poisoning. This apart, a beneficial month, during which you would remain normally healthy.
Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25 Most Stressful Days Overall: 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 27, 28 Best Days for Love: 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25 Best Days for Money: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 18, 24, 25, 28 Best Days for Career: 5, 6, 14, 15, 24, 25, 27, 28 Important numbers: 3, 9, 12 December important dates: 2, 5, 20, 21, 25 Horoscope December special note: "Away you have the chance to meet someone special, who will make your previously organized world turn upside down. Keep your eyes and ears wide open so as not to miss the opportunity that fate gives you." |
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