COMINGO to Effectively Accompany and Support INGOs

“During their operation, if they face problems or difficulties, international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) can directly discuss with the focal points, which are the People's Aid Coordinating Committee (PACCOM), and leaders of the Committee for Foreign NGOs Affairs (COMINGO). We are committed to listening, sincerely considering your opinions, and actively solving necessary issues,” confirmed Phan Anh Son - Vice President, General Secretary of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO) at the 2020 Information Sharing Conference with INGOs in Hanoi on Oct. 18.
October 19, 2022 | 17:37

The conference welcomed representatives of about 200 INGOs operating in Vietnam and agencies participating in the COMINGO mechanism. This is COMINGO's annual activity to share information on issues related to the activities of INGOs, agencies, and localities in this field. It is also a forum to discuss and answer issues in which NGOs are interested.

COMINGO to Effectively Accompany and Support INGOs
The conference welcomed representatives of about 200 INGOs operating in Vietnam. (Photo: Thu Ha)

Informing attendees about INGO work in the first nine months of 2020, Nguyen Ngoc Hung, Head of the PACCOM said: In 2022, the global, regional and local situations had witnessed many unfavorable developments for INGOs activities in Vietnam. However, with the efforts of COMINGO and the support of agencies in the COMINGO mechanism, ministries, and localities, especially the support of INGOs, INGO work continues to be maintained and achieved many positive results.

436 INGOs have provided Vietnam with US$108.5 million (the same amount year-on-year compared to 2021) in the fields in which Vietnam has demand. INGO activities continue to support Vietnam's areas of need, contributing to solving difficulties and developing a sustainable socio-economy.

Nguyen Nhu Hieu - Deputy Director of the Department of Foreign Affairs Provincial under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed INGOs of the basic contents of the government's Decree No. 58/2022/ND-CP dated August 31, 2022, on registration and operation management of INGOs in Vietnam.

COMINGO to Effectively Accompany and Support INGOs
Representatives of NGOs shared their opinions at the conference (Photo: Thu Ha).

Representatives of INGOs discussed issues related to the INGOs' database, project stamp, and import tax exemption for aid goods,... They highly appreciated COMINGO's role, especially its standing agency, the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations, which has accompanied, supported, and guided them in recent years.

INGOs' representatives hope that with the newly promulgated Decree, Vietnamese agencies will have specific instructions and measures to shorten the time to deal with related administrative procedures as set out in Decree 58/2022/ND-CP's formulation spirit. INGOs commit to working closely with Vietnamese agencies and partners to continue to look for funding sources for Vietnam.

Phan Anh Son analyzed and assessed the outstanding features of the global, regional and local situation affecting INGO work. COMINGO Vice Chairman Phan Anh Son stated the key orientations in INGO work that COMINGO, agencies in the COMINGO mechanism and INGOs have to jointly implement for the last months of 2022 and in the future.

COMINGO to Effectively Accompany and Support INGOs
Phan Anh Son - Vice President, General Secretary of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations, Vice Chairman of COMINGO delivered a speech at the conference. (Photo: Thu Ha).

“The Document of the Party's 13th National Congress states that to construct a powerful and prosperous Vietnam, internal resources play a decisive role, but external forces are still significant. They contribute to promoting Vietnam to develop faster, stronger, more sustainable, and better. These external forces come from the support of the international community, including INGOs…

Therefore, we realize that COMINGO and related agencies must continue to innovate our methods, approaches, and perceptions. Please address our remaining limitations. We are committed to listening, sincerely considering your opinions, and actively solving necessary issues,” confirmed Phan Anh Son - Vice President, General Secretary of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO) at the 2020 Information Sharing Conference with INGOs in Hanoi on Oct. 18.

We are committed to listening, sincerely absorbing suggestions, and actively solving necessary problems because you and we all have a common goal, which is providing practical benefits to the people,” said Phan Anh Son.

After the Oct. 18, 2022, conference in Hanoi, COMINGO will organize a similar conference in Ho Chi Minh City on October 21, 2022, for INGOs in Vietnam's southern region.

According to Nguyen Nhu Hieu, Deputy Director of the Department of Foreign Affairs Provincial, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Decree No. 58/2022/ND-CP has overcome remaining problems in the registration and management of INGOs through concretization of three policies approved by the government in the application for the formulation of a Decree to replace the government's Decree No. 12/2012/ND-CP dated March 1, 2012, on registration and operation management of INGOs.

Firstly, it simplifies administrative procedures in INGOs' operation registration. Accordingly, the regulation on “framework agreement” is removed, and the two-step process in registration and operation implementation is removed, simplifying and shortening the time limit for handling procedures, clarifying the tasks of competent authorities related to the process and procedures for INGOs' operation registration, and making the review, dossiers and IT application process transparent.

Secondly, it strengthens post-inspection. It adds regulations on the content of application appraisal, regulations requiring NGOs to open and use accounts, and adds the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' function of inspection and testing.

Thirdly, it creates motivation for INGOs to operate actively and effectively in accordance with the law. Organizations have the flexibility to choose the form of operation registration; are entitled to enjoy legitimate rights and benefits, and be rewarded in accordance with the current provisions of Vietnamese law.

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