Priorities Set for Overseas Vietnamese Work in 2024

On January 11, in Hanoi, the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese held a press meeting to brief about the results and determination for the work of overseas Vietnamese in the year 2024.
January 15, 2024 | 15:51

Speaking at the press meeting, Deputy Foreign Minister Le Thi Thu Hang, Chairwoman of the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese, said that in 2023, the work on overseas Vietnamese has achieved many positive results, contributing to the overall achievements of the country.

The overseas Vietnamese community continues to increase in number and expand in composition, with about 6 million people in 130 countries and territories, of which more than 80% of overseas Vietnamese live in developed countries. The number of Vietnamese people going abroad to study, work, get married, and invest, continues to increase. Along with that, the role, position, and prestige of the Vietnamese community in the host society is increasingly enhanced, contributing to strengthening friendly relations between Vietnam and other countries.

In 2023, Vietnamese people continue to be honored with international awards, making Vietnam's name famous in the international arena. Overseas Vietnamese continue to have many activities towards their homeland, promoting their role as an important resource in the country's development process.

According to the State Bank of Vietnam, remittances transferred back to Vietnam in 2023 will grow by 25-30% compared to the figure in 2022. In addition, overseas Vietnamese have many activities contributing to the protection of Vietnam's sovereignty over seas and islands. They also play an active role in accompanying their compatriots in the homeland when in difficulties and tribulations.

Priorities Set for Overseas Vietnamese Work in 2024
Deputy Foreign Minister Le Thi Thu Hang, Chairwoman of the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese, spoke at the press meeting. (Photo: Thoi Dai)

In 2024, Deputy Foreign Minister Le Thi Thu Hang said that the work of overseas Vietnamese will focus on implementing 2 breakthroughs and 7 main tasks.

Specifically, two breakthroughs include strengthening solidarity and promoting the resources of Vietnamese people abroad. In terms of focus, the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese will strengthen research, advice, and policy recommendations. At the same time, this authority will innovate and diversify forms and be flexible in implementing measures to mobilize overseas Vietnamese, focusing on the young generation, the core force, and prestigious and influential people in the community and overseas Vietnamese who still have prejudices.

The authority will keep providing support for the overseas Vietnamese community in terms of legal status and life stability, especially in difficult areas, with priority given to solving issues related to people of Vietnamese origin in Cambodia. They will also support associations of Vietnamese people to consolidate their organizations, diversify their organizational forms, and appropriate operating models, and improve operational efficiency.

The task of attracting overseas Vietnamese resources is also promoted, aiming to improve mechanisms, policies and laws related to overseas Vietnamese and strengthen connections and support for business associations and Vietnamese intellectuals abroad.

In deploying the Plan to Honor Vietnamese Language in the overseas Vietnamese community in 2024, various activities will be conducted to innovate the content and methods of teaching and learning Vietnamese, preserve national cultural identity, innovate content and diversify methods of conveying information to overseas Vietnamese.

Besides, it is necessary to strengthen coordination between agencies in the work of overseas Vietnamese; and focus on the training of a professional and effective workforce that is in charge of this area.

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