Official: Vietnamese Language Popular in Taiwan (China)

Official: Vietnamese Language Popular in Taiwan (China)

The number of Taiwanese students registered to learn Vietnamese far exceeds that of other countries in the same region.
First-ever Day Promoting Vietnamese Goods in Taiwan (China) Launched

First-ever Day Promoting Vietnamese Goods in Taiwan (China) Launched

A Vietnam Culture and Product Promotion Day was held for the first time in Taiwan (China).
Official Honored for Contributions to Vietnam-Taiwan Relations

Official Honored for Contributions to Vietnam-Taiwan Relations

On May 24, at the Vietnam Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei (China), Chairman Vu Tien Dung presented the Certificate of Merit from the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City to Ngo Pham Tran, President of Taiwan-Vietnam Economic, Cultural & Educational Development Association for her achievements in contributing to the homeland.
Vietnamese migrant worker fined for posting marriage ad in Taiwan

Vietnamese migrant worker fined for posting marriage ad in Taiwan

A Vietnamese worker fined for advertising cross-cultural marriage for a Taiwanese friend.
Vietnam, Taiwan diplomatic messenger Ngo Pham Tran

Vietnam, Taiwan diplomatic messenger Ngo Pham Tran

During 23 years of residing in Taiwan, Ms. Ngo Pham Tran is regarded as a diplomatic messenger contributing to foster cooperation on trade, investment, education and culture between Vietnam and Taiwan.
Teaching Vietnamese in Taiwan: Promoting international affection towards Vietnamese

Teaching Vietnamese in Taiwan: Promoting international affection towards Vietnamese

Talking about her Vietnamese class, teacher Pham Thi Linh expressed her hope to "contribute to change the Taiwanese's prejudge towards brides of Vietnamese or any other origins"
Vietnamese students in Taiwan donate free meals to the local homeless

Vietnamese students in Taiwan donate free meals to the local homeless

A group of Vietnamese students in Taiwan launched a program donating free food to the local homeless to thank Taiwan for its successful efforts to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Heartfelt reunion of Tawainese girl and her "Vietnamese foster mom" after long years of searching

Heartfelt reunion of Tawainese girl and her "Vietnamese foster mom" after long years of searching

An evening, Mrs. Le Thi Thu, 48, received a call from her niece working in Taiwan noting that someone was looking for her for years. And she did not imagine that it was the greatest gathering ever in her life. 
Taiwan wants to repatriate more than 1,000 Vietnamese visa overstayers

Taiwan wants to repatriate more than 1,000 Vietnamese visa overstayers

Taiwan is seeking to repatriate more than 1,000 Vietnamese visa overstayers who are stuck on the island due to the COVID-19.    
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