Thanh Hoa Fellow-Countrymen Association In The Czech Republic Celebrates 20th Anniversary

On June 23, the Thanh Hoa Fellow-Countrymen Association In The Czech Republic held its 5th Congress and celebrated its 20th founding anniversary.
June 25, 2024 | 14:45
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This is one of the earliest associations of this kind established in the Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic with thousands of members doing business and living in most localities across the European country.

Thanh Hoa Fellow-Countrymen Association In The Czech Republic Celebrates 20th Anniversary

The delegates attended the event.

The members of the association assessed that during the 20 years of its establishment, the Thanh Hoa community in the Czech Republic has shown the spirit of solidarity, proactively integrated into the local community, promoted the tradition of mutual support, and worked towards building the homeland.

In recent years, the community of expatriates from Thanh Hoa in the Czech Republic has always shown an active role in charity activities towards the homeland, especially contributions to developing Thanh Hoa into a socio-economic center in the north-central region. They also supported the Hanoi Child Protection Fund and donated warm clothes and books to children in highland areas.

Thanh Hoa Fellow-Countrymen Association In The Czech Republic Celebrates 20th Anniversary
The newly elected Executive Committee took a group photo.

Addressing the event, Vietnamese Ambassador to the Czech Republic Duong Hoai Nam highly appreciated the efforts to integrate with the locality, their spirit of mutual support, and the positive activities towards the homeland of the association such as supporting fellow countrymen overcome the Covid-19 pandemic or donating to build houses for the poor.

He said he hopes the association will stay united, keep supporting each other in life and business, and actively contribute to the host community, thus building a positive image of Vietnamese people in the eyes of local people and other Europeans.

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