UK Prime Minister admitted to hospital with “persistent symptoms” of coronavirus

The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been admitted to hospital for tests after ten days being positive for the coronavirus, BBC cited Downing Street as saying. 
April 06, 2020 | 09:25
uk prime minister admitted to hospital with persistent symptoms of coronavirus UK PM Boris Johnson, health minister Matt Hancock test positive for COVID-19
uk prime minister admitted to hospital with persistent symptoms of coronavirus Boris Johnson elected as new UK’s Prime Minister
uk prime minister admitted to hospital with persistent symptoms of coronavirus
UK Prime Minister Borris Johnson was detected positive for the coronavirus on March 27.

He was taken to a London hospital on Sunday evening with "persistent symptoms" - including a temperature.

It is said to be a "precautionary step" taken on the advice of his doctor.

The prime minister remains in charge of the government, but the foreign secretary is expected to chair a coronavirus meeting on Monday morning.

Mr Johnson is expected to stay overnight and is having what have been described as "routine tests", according to BBC Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg.

In a statement, a Downing Street spokeswoman said: "On the advice of his doctor, the prime minister has tonight been admitted to hospital for tests.

"This is a precautionary step, as the prime minister continues to have persistent symptoms of coronavirus 10 days after testing positive for the virus."

She added: "The prime minister thanks NHS staff for all of their incredible hard work and urges the public to continue to follow the government's advice to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives."

The prime minister, alongside the Queen, personifies the country's public response to this pandemic.

And Boris Johnson is continuing to personally experience the unpleasant reality of the virus.

Downing Street officials are adamant Mr Johnson remains in charge of the government and is in contact with ministerial colleagues and civil servants.

But the undeniable reality is there is nothing conventional, nothing normal about this - however routine the tests are that the prime minister is receiving.

The coronavirus has repeatedly proven its capacity to turn the far-fetched into reality, over and over again.

CNN reported that people in the UK are turning to mail-order coronavirus tests as the government scrambles to offer mass public testing and get a hold on the virus' spread across the country.

UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock, recently returning to public life after testing positive for coronavirus, announced last Thursday the UK would aim to test 100,000 Britons a day by the end of April.

The UK’s coronavirus lockdown could stretch until the end of May, NYTimes cited a government adviser as warning last weekend as death tolls related to the virus nationwide up 20% in one day last Friday.

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