Monthly Horoscope December 2021: Astrological Prediction for Zodiac Signs with Love, Money, Career and Health
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Monthly Horoscope December 2021. Photo: vietnamtimes. |
Monthly Planetary Overview
December 2021 will be filled with diversified and confusing tasks. It will be especially difficult for signs of the element of Water to cope with the continuous stream of new responsibilities. The patron saint of most of December will be Neptune, responsible for inspiration, concentration and composure. It will activate your mental and physical abilities, help you prioritize and guide you in the right direction. Listen to the voice of reason, and small problems will be solved by themselves, and from unpleasant situations you can gain valuable experience that will be useful to you in the future. The horoscope for the month of December recommends family representatives of fire signs to treat new friendships with caution. Especially if strangers are actively interested in your love life. Leave yourself the solution to all family troubles, so you will protect your family from bad advice from the outside.
The first decade of the month will bring you a lot of positive emotions. Relations with colleagues will improve, and there is an opportunity to receive a new romantic proposal from one of them. In this area, give a decisive voice to your heart — in the first days of December, a New Moon is expected, which will help to strengthen intuition. Perhaps you need these changes. Passing through the sign of Sagittarius, the Moon will take your thoughts away from earthly problems. During this period, the horoscope for December 2021 strongly discourages starting or continuing construction, repairing, or making purchases of household appliances. It is highly likely that you simply will not notice the flaw in the product or it will soon break. Also, be careful when entering into major financial transactions or buying jewelry.
The year is about to end, and as we sit down to reflect on the events that transpired this year, the planets get ready to deliver an exciting grand-finale.
Venus and Pluto will be conjunct in Capricorn, bringing passion and desire to a month already full of events. However, the fact that this conjunction is happening in a sign ruled by Saturn can be quite enjoyable. Capricorn is not usually a sign associated with fun and extravagance. Much contrary, here is where hard work and perseverance are exalted. This could symbolize that the luxury that Venus desires is one that we will have to achieve through hard work and patience. This could manifest within the collective a sense of restlessness and trying to sneak around to do what we wish. There's a certain air of teenagehood thrill to this transit.
The Solar eclipse in Sagittarius invites us to cultivate our will to manifest the adventures of our dreams. Additionally, the eclipse will be closely conjunct with Mercury, hinting towards a need to have a humble attitude going forward. Though Sagittarius embodies the concepts of certainty and conviction, Mercury is here to remind us that truth is more complicated than it may seem. It's important to remember that we do not know all the answers yet, but that doesn't mean that the mind's darkness is perpetual. Keeping an open mind and being receptive to other people's truths without judgement is what we need at the moment.
The ruler of this Eclipse (Jupiter) will also be squaring Mars shortly after the lunation. This transit symbolizes our need to grow free of the things that have been tying us down. Recklessness and disruptive behaviour might be distinct aspects of this cycle. With that being said, we must think before we act. This is a transit of emotional aggression and disregard toward authority. Navigating these energies with care and patient will be crucial in avoiding unnecessary discord as the year ends. On a positive note, this transit is also here to break many barriers, especially as Jupiter is almost out of Saturn's restrictions and boundaries. It has been all of 2021 as the planet transited through Saturn's own sign: Aquarius.
After Mars is done wreaking havoc with Jupiter, it will change signs and enter Sagittarius. As the red planet enters the Fire sign, it goes conjunct with the South Node of the Moon. There's a karmic significance to this transit, and all of the power struggles, violence, and anger that Mars can bring gets negated by the South Node, Ketu's firm grasp. Though anything involving the nodes is always a double-edged sword. Having these energies suppressed doesn't mean that they cease to exist. As a collective, we have to try our best to channel all this fire energy towards positivity and inspiration instead of rage and destruction.
The Last Saturn and Uranus square of the year brings some resolution to the many revolutions (metaphorical or otherwise) that happened in 2021. Barriers continue to be broken, and a general sense of defiance is still in the air. Yet, since Mars is not involved in Saturnian matters anymore, the aggression the red planet brings to the table is being channelled somewhere else. The good news is that without a hothead, this transit allows for strategizing for the future. Aquarius brings mental energy that helps the collective look at the flaws in the ways things are currently running to fix them. With Uranus being in the mix, these solutions may be unorthodox. Still, it points towards innovative ways of building a future.
The Full Moon of the month happens in Gemini. This is all about duality and reconciling past disagreements. There will be a general sense of needing to debate and get the facts straight. The Full Moon might drive this quest to go to extreme downloads of information that may overwhelm some unprepared to have their views challenged. The best way to navigate this Moon is to expect the unexpected and be playful and accepting of whatever comes our way. There may be a sense of needing to pick sides, but the victorious will be those who will be holding the space for dichotomies and paradoxes to be as they are.
The year comes to a close on an excellent note with the long-awaited Jupiter ingress into Pisces. This is a transit that will last for most of 2022, and it will bring positivity to mitigate some of the damage that happened in 2021. We can all get a hint as to how this transit will affect us in the year ahead by revisiting memories from Spring/Summer this year. Jupiter entered Pisces briefly before it went retrograde and went back into Aquarius. You can interpret this as a foreshadowing of some sort. Try to think about how you grew and gathered blessings throughout those months, as those will become much more significant in the year ahead.
Monthly Zodiac Horoscope for December 2021
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Aries Horoscope December 2021. Photo: vietnamtimes. |
The first sign of the Zodiac, Aries are the trailblazers. Passionate and independent, Aries will never do something just because everyone else is doing it—a Ram needs to be 100 percent committed to the task at hand.
Monthly Love Horoscope - Aries compatibility can be enhanced by giving more attention to your partner. Love relationships will be flourishing and there is no need to brag about it to others. Married life will be fabulous and there will be very good bonding in the marriage and pregnancy. You should not allow family matters to interfere with the relationship. It is important to keep your secrets till they become concrete. Single persons will have very good opportunities to get into love relationships till the 26th of the month. Planetary aspects are favorable and you will be able to attract love by your smartness and charm.
Monthly Money Horoscope - An excellent month, during which you should do quite well financially, since the stars are in an obliging mood. Writers, painters, sculptors, actors, and other artists would have an extremely favourable time financially, and also have reason for much satisfaction because of their creative output. Traders of all descriptions should also fare quite well, and what is more realize their profits in full. This applies to most of you. Since you all would realize your objectives, the climate would also be congenial for investment and new ventures, and those of you who have any such plans in mind, should put these into motion. A beneficial month, during which you should try and achieve something noteworthy.
Monthly Career Horoscope - Nothing very encouraging this month in the augury from the stars in so far as your career prospects are concerned. A good deal of hard work, in fact a much enhanced work-load would not ensure the realisation of expected gains. In fact, this month you have a good deal of dull plodding ahead of you, with no up and downs. There would be some consolation in the fact that you would associate with a number of gifted people of learning who would create meaningful interactions. This in fact would be the saving grace of the period. There is the further danger of some of you trying to operate outside the law for quick gains. Refrain from such activity unless you want to invite disaster.
Monthly Health Horoscope - This month the favourable combination of stars would ensure good health for you, leaving you very little reason for any worry. You must, however, remember that the nature of your environment would play an important role in determining the status of your health. This is by far the most important factor. And, you must aid good fortune by staying away from unpleasant places and people. Normal caution in this regard should take you far indeed. Pleasant surroundings, good health and such like blessings sometimes lead people to overindulgence of various sorts. One variety could give you diseases of the secret parts. So don’t let overindulgence spoil a healthy and fit life.
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Taurus Horoscope December 2021. Photo: vietnamtimes. |
Smart, ambitious, and trustworthy, Taurus is the anchor of the Zodiac. Amazing friends, colleagues, and partners, Taureans value honesty above all else and are proud that their personal relationships tend to be drama free.
Monthly Love Horoscope - Taurus compatibility will be full of unpredictable things this month. Your behavior will change and love will be new and affectionate. Your dedication and attitude will impress your partners. Marital life will undergo major alterations after the first week of the month. Your devotion and dynamism will be appreciated by your spouse and life will be very much enjoyable. This is a good month to plan for a baby. Single persons will be seduced by someone and this will start the beginning of a new relationship. Love life will be able to give you whatever you expected and there will be bliss in the relationship.
Monthly Money Horoscope - Nothing beneficial about your financial prospects this month because the combination of stars facing you is not favourable. Writers, painters, and other practitioners of the fine arts should make a provisions for a ban period, for that is just what they are going to face this month. Traders of all descriptions would also not fare very well or at best not do as well as expected. This would apply to most of you who would have to struggle quite a bit to realize expected gains, and even then not achieve much success. The climate would also not be congenial for the investment and the launching of new ventures. Any pending loan applications to banks or financial institutions would also have little chances of approval.
Monthly Career Horoscope - This month the augury from the stars is quite favourable for your career prospects. In an excellent working atmosphere, completely free of tension, you would carry out your pursuits, realizing expected gains. The work-load would not be heavy either. There are further prospects of advancement through association with learned people of spiritual stature. This would load to a very satisfying situation in terms of your overall circumstances. Some of you, may well go on to make a mark with your contributions in religious or social work. As will also writers, journalists and the like. A good month, during which you could achieve a good deal.
Monthly Health Horoscope - December 2021 Taurus horoscope foretells fabulous health prospects. The stellar configuration is propitious and this will prevent any serious medical hazard during the month. There may be minor health issues that require immediate medical care. Chronic ailments will remain suppressed. Your disposition will be great and optimistic. The focus should be on maintaining your good health. Regular exercise and a healthy diet will keep you in excellent shape. Avoid anxiety by proper scheduling of your activities. Relaxation techniques will help you a lot.
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Gemini Horoscope December 2021. Photo: vietnamtimes. |
Smart, passionate, and dynamic, Gemini is characterized by the Twins, Castor and Pollux, and is known for having two different sides they can display to the world. Expert communicators, Gemini is the chameleon of the Zodiac, adept at blending into different groups based on the vibe and energy they perceive.
Monthly Love Horoscope - Gemini compatibility will be sedate and it depends on you to light up the situation. You will get opportunities to form love relationships around the 18th with your charisma. You have to take the lead in forming the partnership. Marital life will face minor irritations during the month. You have to make a few concessions and give into your partner’s demands. Marital harmony becomes stronger with a pleasure trip with your partner with pregnancy in mind. Singles will have very good opportunities to find love during the third week of the month. Your instincts will help you to find the right partner, and nothing else will be needed.
Monthly Money Horoscope - There is nothing particularly encouraging about the configuration of stars facing you and as such your financial prospects are none too bright. Writers, painters, actors, and other practitioners of the arts should make provisions for an extremely lean period, since that is just what they are going to face this month. Traders and those engaged in overseas trade would also fare poorly, or at best not do as well as anticipated. This would apply to most of you, who would have to struggle quite a bit and even after that, not achieve much success. Further the climate would not be congenial for investment or the launching of new ventures. These could easily get stuck.
Monthly Career Horoscope - This month you have a favourable combination of stars, which is out to help in your career advancement. With little or no travel, and with the work-load lighter than usual, you would successfully carry out your pursuits and realize the expected gains. Those renowned in writing, painting, music, and the other fine arts would do exceedingly well. The working climate would be excellent and there would be not a trace of tension or politics. In fact, you would associate with people of learning and spiritual stature, who would enrich your life in a very significant manner. Some of you would go on to make a mark with your contribution in social or religious work.
Monthly Health Horoscope - A month that does not augur too well for your health and quite obviously you would have to remain careful to maintain your well-being. Those with a predisposition to chronic disorders of the bowels like constipation, or excess of wind in the digestive tract, etc, have to be careful about proper medication and diet. With a little extra care you could remain free of any serious troubles. There are grounds for you to stay away from unpleasant places and people, since this would have a direct bearing upon your health. That is to say, your general surroundings would play a key part in the state of say, your health.
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Cancer Horoscope December 2021. Photo: vietnamtimes. |
Emotional, intuitive, and practically psychic; ruled by the moon and characterized by the crab, Cancer has so much going on in its watery depths. Cancers may seem prickly and standoffish at the first meeting, once they make the decision to become friends with someone, that person has a friend for life.
Monthly Love Horoscope - Cancer compatibility will be full of passion this month. You are natural and you should be careful while you are vocal about love relationships. Your charisma will attract love easily. Love life of married people will be full of dynamism and relationship with your spouse will become stronger and permanent. You expect the same commitment from your spouse when you are planning to have a baby. Single persons will have many encounters of love. Some of them will be short-lived and some will last longer. You should not be carried away by your feelings and should know how to control them. The whole atmosphere will be full of love.
Monthly Money Horoscope - Nothing very encouraging about your financial prospects this month in the augury from the stars. Any dispute or litigation that you might be involved in would almost certainly be decided against you. You must work hard to get the decision deferred on any such dispute to a later and more favourable period. There is every chance that any pending loan applications or a new proposal for fresh advances from a bank would not be approved or delayed on one count or the other. Further, the climate would not be congenial for the investment or the launching of new projects. There could easily get struck. Artists of all descriptions are unlikely to fare very well, and it would be a wise policy for them to make provisions for a lean period.
Monthly Career Horoscope - This month you have every chance of doing quite well in your field of activity. In an atmosphere of an extremely pleasant sort, completely free of tension, you would pursue your goals and realize the expected gains. Your acts could well bring about qualities of leadership, which will enable you to get work done efficiently and with the utmost speed. Your life could be further enriched by your association with learned people of spiritual stature. Such interaction would give a very pleasant and desirable dimension to your life. An excellent month, during which you could really make a mark in your field.
Monthly Health Horoscope - The stars have put up a protective shield as it were to keep disease away from you. In the coming period, you should be able to remain quite fit most of the time. There are grounds, however, for you to be careful about any sudden fever or inflammation, which must be promptly treated. This done, you can forget about any further consequences. There will be none. The environment also will be the key factor in controlling your state of health. Nothing untoward is indicated, but you might as well remain careful about staying away from unpleasant places and people. Some care of the sort indicated should see you fare well during this month.
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Leo Horoscope December 2021. Photo: vietnamtimes. |
Bold, intelligent, warm, and courageous, fire sign Leois a natural leader of the Zodiac, ready to blaze a trail, vanquish injustice, and make a name for themselves along the way. Blessed with high self-esteem, Lions know that they possess enviable traits—and they're proud of them.
Monthly Love Horoscope - Leo compatibility will be disturbed by career obligations and this will irritate you. Your partner understands the situation and is willing to be lenient. The last week of the month will see the restoration of family happiness. Married life will face some turmoil during the initial part of the month. There will be minor conflicts and the necessary dialogue with your spouse is missing. After the 14th, you can expect normalcy in the relationship. A bit of socializing will help to ease the situation. Single persons will benefit from relationships if they are more sober and try not to be aggressive. This will draw partners to you and you can have all the romance and passion you want.
Monthly Money Horoscope - There is nothing particularly encouraging about your financial prospects this month. Most of you would have to struggle quite a bit to realize planned objectives and even after this, may achieve little success. Traders of all descriptions and those in overseas trade have a similar fate in store for them. Artists of all descriptions would do well to make allowances for a lean period, because such a provision would come in handy this month. The climate would also not be congenial for investment and for launching new ventures. These could easily get stuck. The period ahead is not favourable and, therefore, you should maintain a low profile till this spell is over.
Monthly Career Horoscope - This month you would have fairly useful opportunities for career advancement. In an atmosphere completely free of tension and politics, you would carry out your pursuits and realize the expected gains. In fact, some of you would go on to make a mark with your contribution in social or religious work, writers and others in such-like vocations would also do particularly well. This – of course, would be a source of much satisfaction to which would be added what you can expect to derive from your association with learned people of spiritual stature. Overall an excellent month, during which you could achieve much.
Monthly Health Horoscope - This month the stars are favourably disposed towards your health affairs and should remain quite fit with minimum fuss. There will be those of you whose digestive organs are quite easily upset or disordered, and even these people would experience relief in their condition. This is not to say that all caution should be thrown to the winds, but merely to indicate that the turn of events will favour your good health. There are also some grounds to be careful about any infection related to the chest, like coughs, colds and bronchitis. This merely means that prompt medication should be obtained at the first sign of any such symptoms.
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Virgo Horoscope December 2021. Photo: vietnamtimes. |
Smart, sophisticated, and kind, Virgo gets the job done without complaining. Virgos are amazing friends, always there to lend a hand and also lend advice. Practical Virgos are incredibly adept at big picture thinking, and planning out their life, their vacations, and what they're going to do today isn't a drag it makes them feel in control and secure.
Monthly Love Horoscope - Virgo compatibility can be maintained by restraining yourself when you have some suspicions in the relationship. You have very good opportunities to fall in love relationships. During the end of the month, love will be more affectionate. Marital life will be harmonious and the bonding will become greater during the month. You will be more affectionate with your partner and your spouse will appreciate it. This is a good time to plan for a child. Single persons will have opportunities for getting into love relationships after the 16th. You should not be in a hurry to get into relationships. Clear all your suspicions and be confident before you enter into a partnership.
Monthly Money Horoscope - The configuration of stars that faces you this month, is not very favourable, and as such, your financial prospects don’t look too bright. Writers, painters, actors and other practitioners of the arts would do well to store up for the rainy day since they are going to face an extremely lean period. This is true for traders and those engaged in overseas trade. In fact, to a large extent this would be true of most of you, who would have to struggle quite a bit to realize your objectives and even then not achieve much success. Further, the climate would not be congenial for the investment and the launching of new projects. These could easily get stuck.
Monthly Career Horoscope - The combination of stars facing you this month is not very favourable for your professional attainments. You could well find yourself working quite hard, with little possibility of realizing the expected normal gains. This means that the month could well turn out to be a straight line without any ups and downs. The saving grace could well be the satisfaction that you would derive from the interaction with several learned people. This and a certain improvement with social or religious work that some of you would be inclined to participate in, would relieve the boredom and of those of non-accomplishment.
Monthly Health Horoscope - A good month during which you have little to worry about in so far as your health is concerned. However, some precautions would have to be taken to ensure continued good health. The most important one is not to over-exert yourself. This could be done by setting for yourself a reasonable schedule which allows full play to all your normal activities, and yet, does not at the same time unduly tax your strength. If you do this, you are absolutely safe, and any failure to comply could set off a chain reaction of troubles, which would do you no good. Also be careful about any infection of the chest area which should be promptly treated.
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Libra Horoscope December 2021. Photo: vietnamtimes. |
Intelligent, kind, and always willing to put others before themselves, Libras value harmony in all forms. Ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, Libra adores a life that looks good. As the master of compromise and diplomacy, Libra is adept at seeing all points of view and excels at crafting compromises and effecting mediation between others.
Monthly Love Horoscope - Libra compatibility will be active during the middle of the month and the time is ripe for new relationships. It may appear that the growth of relationships will be gradual, though you will be benefited by it. Marital relationships will be harmonious if you take your spouse into confidence in whatever you do. You should not force issues on your partner and depend on consensus on issues of importance like pregnancy or buying a house. Single persons have to be patient for opportunities for love to bloom. You have the support of stars and you should look for a congenial person to get into relationship. There should be faith in your partner.
Monthly Money Horoscope - The stars are not in an obliging mood, and as such your financial prospects are not very bright. The climate would not be at all congenial for investment or new ventures, these could easily get stuck. And as for existing work, most of you would tend to struggle quite a bit to realize planned objectives, and even then achieve little success. Writers, painters, and other practitioners of the arts would do well to store up for the rainy day, for they are going to face an extremely lean period this month. This would also apply to traders of various descriptions, who would also not fare well, or at least not do as well as anticipated. Further, any pending loan application or a proposal for a fresh advance to banks or financial institutions is unlikely to be cleared in a hurry, if at all.
Monthly Career Horoscope - Nothing very advantageous for you in so far as your professional aspirations are concerned in the combination of stars facing you this month. There is little likelihood of realizing the expected gains despite a lot of hard work during the course of this month. This would naturally tend to disappoint you. In fact this month could well mean a spell of dull plodding. The working atmosphere may not be very pleasant either. Yet the association of some learned people of spiritual stature, would well turn out to be the saving grace. Patience and perseverance are the only prescription under the circumstances.
Monthly Health Horoscope - A month during which the stars are out to bless you with good health and you really have nothing much to worry about. Even those given to chronic disorders like rheumatism and ailments of the digestive tract like excess of wind and flatulence would experience considerable relief. This month as already mentioned is quite favourable, but still you should bear in mind that an unfavourable environment could adversely affect your health. Therefore, as far as possible avoid surroundings and people of the unpleasant variety, since this would have a direct bearing on your health. Any throat infection should be promptly treated. This apart, you can expect smooth sailing.
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Scorpio Horoscope December 2021. Photo: vietnamtimes. |
Passionate, independent, and unafraid to blaze their own trail no matter what others think, Scorpios make a statement wherever they go. They love debates, aren't afraid of controversy, and won't back down from a debate.
Monthly Love Horoscope - Scorpio compatibility will be excellent this month. There will be romance and bliss in love relationships. The end of the month will bring more happiness and all the problems will be resolved. Marital life will be full of sensuality and the marital bond becomes stronger with the birth of a child. Whatever plans both of you make for the happiness of the family will come to fruition by middle of the month. Single persons get into love relationships this month if they are more emotional. There will be some surprises in the existing relationships. Being a victim will bring some words of encouragement from others.
Monthly Money Horoscope - Nothing very favourable in the augury, from the stars for your financial prospects this month. Writers, painters and other practitioners of the arts would do well to make provisions for an extremely lean period, for that is just what they would have to face, this month. Traders also would not fare well. In fact, most of you would have to struggle quite hard to realize your objectives and even then not achieve much success. Further, the climate would not be congenial for investments or the launching of new ventures. These could easily get stuck up. Any pending loan applications or proposals for fresh advances to banks or financial institutions are also likely to get help or even turned down.
Monthly Career Horoscope - No encouragement for your professional prospects during the coming month, since the combination of stars facing you is hardly favourable. Your efforts would fail to produce expected gains and this would tend to disappoint you considerably. This would be despite your hard work, of which there would much more than usual. No significant quantum of travel is indicated. As such no windfalls or even minor gains can be expected because of any travel. In fact, professionally this month may well turn out to be a straight horizontal line, without any ups or downs. The saving grace could be the satisfaction you would derive from association with people of learning and of spiritual status.
Monthly Health Horoscope - A month during which the stars are out to bless your health and you really have very little to worry about. There are grounds however, to be careful in treating any sudden illness of the acute type without any loss of tonic. If treatment is administered expeditiously you have nothing to worry about, since such an affliction, if at all it troubles you, would in any case be brief. Even a tonic for your chronic disorders would give you much relief this month because of a favourable stellar configuration. A good month, during which you have nothing much to worry about on health grounds, except just this little bit of care.
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Sagittarius Horoscope December 2021. Photo: vietnamtimes. |
Independent and strong-willed, Sagittarius personalities are all about going off the beaten path. Sagittarius isn’t afraid to step away from the pack and is a natural-born leader who goes after what he or she wants, regardless of what other people think.
Monthly Love Horoscope - Sagittarius compatibility is confronted with a choice to make during the month. You are unable to decide on the priority between romance and logic. There will be a quick resolution to the problem and love will prevail. By making a few adjustments n your routine, you will have time for a love life. Marital life will undergo transformation for the better and you are working on your expectations for the coming year. You are taking your spouse into confidence in whatever you do including planning for a baby. Singles will get into love relationships in the third week of the month. You are able to participate in love encounters with assurance and poise.
Monthly Money Horoscope - This month the combination of stars facing you is none too favourable for your financial prospects, and your efforts would bear little fruit, despite your association with several people of learning. Most of you, may have to struggle quite a bit to realize your anticipated objectives and even then achieve little success. Writers, painters, and other artists would do well to make allowances for a lean period, because that is a distinct possibility. Further, the climate would remain far from congenial for investment and the launching of new ventures. These could easily get stuck. Overall, a month during which you should maintain a low profile and wait for the adverse period to be over.
Monthly Career Horoscope - A month during which there is hardly anything encouraging for your career prospects in the augury from the stars. There is a distinct possibility of tension and serious differences of opinion with your superiors. Try to anticipate trouble spots and work hard to avert trouble. There would be a good deal of hard work, but even this would not ensure realization of expected gains. These would finally elude you. There is some consolation in that the association with gifted people of learning might deliver minor material advantages to you, and also give much mental satisfaction. This apart, there is very little of a favourable nature.
Monthly Health Horoscope - You will have to fend for yourself this month, in keeping up your own well- being, since there is support for you from dame fortune. You will be led to some highly uncongenial people and places this month, causing adverse effect on your health. This is because the state of your health would be determined to a large extent by the nature of your general surroundings. You must therefore, resolve to stay away from such people and places. If you do this properly, a major portion of your problems would be solved. A somewhat difficult period no doubt, but one which you can tide over with little extra care.
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Capricorn Horoscope December 2021. Photo: vietnamtimes. |
Smart, hardworking, and fully in control of their destiny, a Capricorn will always get what they set their mind to, in both personal and professional life—no excuses. Capricorns may get a reputation as stubborn, but they simply know what they want, and also know how they wish other people would behave.
Monthly Love Horoscope - Capricorn compatibility will be peaceful at the beginning of the month. After some modifications, love will be on the right track. New relationships will be full of surprises and will take new paths. If you want to reach your objectives, you have to be tolerant. Marital relationships can be made more affectionate by spending quality time with your spouse. Life will be blissful because of companionship and planning for a child. Single persons will be successful in getting into new love relationships if they are more confident. During the third week of the month, you will have good chances of getting your love. This will transform your life very much.
Monthly Money Horoscope - An excellent month, during which you would have ample opportunity to advance your financial prospects. Some of you could get the benefit of an unexpected windfall, a very welcome event from your point of view. There is further reason to believe that circumstances would favour speculative activity, and some of you could well go on to make handsome profits. In fact, most of you would be able to achieve success in realizing your objectives, in fairly quick time. There is the further likelihood of some of you generating a sizeable chunk of unaccounted income.
Monthly Career Horoscope - The augury from the stars is none too encouraging for your career prospects. Even superiors and bosses would not be very helpful. In this scenario, you would have to work quite hard for rewards that would be relatively meagre. More important, there is a distinct chance that you would meet stiff opposition, even though of an indirect kind, at your place of work or business. This you must deal with ability. Try to anticipate trouble spots and take remedial action well in time.
Monthly Health Horoscope - A fairly beneficial month for your health, during which you should stay quite fit. A note of caution should, however, be sounded about refraining from over- exertion. This could create all kinds of health problems for you. Therefore, draw out a reschedule of activity, well in advance, that does not put undue strain on your system. It is very likely that nothing untoward. would happen, but a precautionary measure is always better than treatment after the fact. Also, pay attention to avoiding any unclean or stale food, since this could give you a bout of food poisoning. This apart, a beneficial month, during which you would remain normally healthy.
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Aquarius Horoscope December 2021. Photo: vietnamtimes. |
Independent and enigmatical, Aquarians are unique. There is no one quite like an Aquarius, and because each is so incredibly individual, it can be tough to describe them as a group. Aquarians don't like labels, and may shy away from any adjective—even the good ones you might bestow upon them.
Monthly Love Horoscope - Aquarius compatibility can be enhanced by regulating all aspects of your life. Your love life should not be spoiled with interference from your professional problems. Love life will be harmonious after the 10th. Married life will be affectionate and will improve further as the month progresses. You will not allow any problems to flare up by your diplomacy. Love will be gentle and friendly throughout the month with scope for pregnancy. Single persons are cautious towards forming relationships of love during the first two weeks of the month. After that you are enthusiastic about forming relationships and will be successful.
Monthly Money Horoscope - Your financial prospects look good this month, since you will get several notable opportunities, for profit. Those of you who go in for speculative activity or even gambling may look forward to, making handsome profits. Further, for some of you there is a distinct possibility of an unexpected windfall. A very welcome development, from their point of view. In fact, most of you would be able to achieve success in realizing your objectives in fairly quick time. Finally, it is also very likely that some of you would generate a sizeable chunk of unaccounted money.
Monthly Career Horoscope - A month during which the combination of stars facing you would do much good to your career prospects. You would have a style and manner of handling your juniors and subordinates that would enable you to derive the optimum benefit from their services. This could be the most important gain during this month. Despite a lot of hard work, the effort may not seem to be a burden at all, because the rewards would handsomely compensate you. Further, there is the possibility of some old person doing you a good turn which would give a big boost to your career. Travel also will prove quite beneficial, with south being the most advantageous direction.
Monthly Health Horoscope - You can look forward to fairly encouraging health prospects during the ensuring one month, since the stars are in a mood to bless you. Any predisposition to chronic disorders like rheumatism and gout, and irregularities like flatulence and excess of wind in the digestive tract would get relief. This month afflictions of this nature would not trouble you, provided normal care is exercised. Somber temperaments would be more than normally prone to cheerfulness. This would make for a more spirited existence. Overall, a fairly beneficial month ahead of you in terms of health prospects.
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Pisces Horoscope December 2021. Photo: vietnamtimes. |
Smart, creative, and deeply intuitive, Pisces can be close to psychic. Pisces feel things deeply and have incredibly strong gut reactions. A Pisces "knows" things from deep within, and can often judge whether a person or situation is good or bad.
Monthly Love Horoscope - Pisces compatibility will be affectionate and peaceful during the month and there will not be any disturbing events. New relationships can be formed around the 16th. You are able to attract the opposite sex by your charisma. Married relationships will be full of joy and happiness. You have the astral support for your celebrations. A pleasure holiday for enjoyment with your spouse is indicated during the month. You can even plan for a child. Single persons will find love suddenly in family gatherings. There are opportunities if you are keen and look around. You may even celebrate with your partner at the end of the year.
Monthly Money Horoscope - You can look forward to several profitable opportunities for financial advancement during this coming month. There is a legitimate reason to expect a sudden windfall. Further there are good chances for those of you who go in for speculation activity or even gambling, to fare quite well, in your pursuits. In any case, for most of you, quick gains are very likely, as a result of your efforts. This means, that endeavours would bring about fairly quick success, though the gains would not be very large, but rather of a medium sort. Some of you would also have many an occasion to generate and encounter – black money.
Monthly Career Horoscope - Nothing very encouraging about your career this month, since the stars are not in an obliging mood. There would be a lot of hard work, and even then expected gains would not be realized. Travel, of which there should be a fair amount, would also bear little fruit, though there might be some marginal percentage for you in a sojourn towards the East. There is the likelihood that you would be influenced by a mean streak which would goad you on to severely exploiting your juniors or subordinates for selfish ends. This should be curbed or a very unpleasant situation could come about for you. In general any tendency to exploit the weak and lowly in an unscrupulous manner, is a frame of mind that you should strive to get out of.
Monthly Health Horoscope - A beneficial month, during, which the stars would ensure that no serious health or mishap troubles you. Any predisposition to sudden acute illnesses, like fever or inflammations would get considerable relief, and such problems should not bother you. Somber temperaments would be more than normally inclined to cheerfulness. This would be a still more cheerful period for those prone to chronic disorders like rheumatism and colds. There would be considerable relief from such ailments. There is, however, a possibility of an accident or a violent hurt though an outside chance for you, this month. Still, some extra care on this score cannot do any harm. Overall a helpful month, with encouraging prospects, for your health.
![]() | Pisces Horoscope December 2021: Monthly Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health Pisces Horoscope December 2021: Excellent support from the planets for your activities. There will be fantastic openings and you should not hesitate to take them ... |
![]() | Aquarius Horoscope December 2021: Monthly Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health Aquarius Horoscope December 2021: You will be convinced that what you have done so far has not been in vain. |
![]() | Libra Horoscope December 2021: Monthly Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health Libra Horoscope December 2021: You have great potential to win, the only thing you have to do is choose the right moment to use and ... |
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