Repatriated student creates amazing COVID-19 isolated -day sketches to raise charity funds

"I'm home" - a book gathering paintings drawn by Tang Quang during the period in the central quarantine at the Zone 7 military school in Ho Chi Minh City and other 20 new ones. Those books are sold to raise funds to support the difficult after the Covid-19 epidemic.
May 08, 2020 | 22:51
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A few weeks ago, Nguyen Tang Quang - an repatriated student returned from the UK - sketched out the life in the Covid-19 centrally isolated area at Military zone 7's Military School in Ho Chi Minh City. These enjoyable sketches bring impression feelings to the viewers.

repatriated student creates amazing covid 19 isolated day sketches to raise charity funds
The painting of soldier Huynh Duong by Tang Quang.

The series of paintings were soon shared on social networks for both spreading positive messages, helping the community better understand the Covid-19 prevention and also as a thanks, gratitude to the frontline team in the fight against epidemic.

In the quarantine area, the kindness showed throuhg just small stuffs such as soldier Huynh Duong gave a key chain to each, soldiers resigned lunch to everyone, thankful letters and gifts giving before leaving the quarantine .. were sketched vividly and impressively. Not only recording the lovely moments of human compassion in the quarantine area, had Tang Quang expressed the feelings of Vietnamese expatriates before the epidemic through those sketches.

Those make really good effects motivating Tang Quang to collaborate with the Women's Publishing House to release the book "I'm Home" a collection of paintings he drew during the period of intensive isolation and 20 New drawing.

repatriated student creates amazing covid 19 isolated day sketches to raise charity funds
"I'm home"' book's cover of Tang Quang. Photo: Women's Publishing House

"My life has changed a lot after the sketches known, especially when I received the invitation of the publisher to release this book - Tang Quang shared about the special picture book." So when I came back Vietnam, besides the big debt of plane tickets and rent in the UK, it was my special fortuna to have a spiritual gift. "

"I'm home" by Tang Quang and the editorial team, the repatriated student community work together to create content, bilingual translation and illustrators.

The book was sold by the Women's Publishing House and the Microfinance Institution of Love (TYM, of the Vietnam Women's Union) to raise funds to support the disadvantaged after Covid-19.

repatriated student creates amazing covid 19 isolated day sketches to raise charity funds
Tang Quang told that this was the best picture. It drew an over 50 year old mother kept in isolation after visiting her children studying in France. She sent her sincere thanks to frontline staffs with tears touched by their sacrifice.

"After so many youthful aspirations of flying high, life events help us love and cherish the holiness and warmth reminded by two words" family "," Fatherland "and gratitude for those who loved us unconditionally "- Tang Quang confided about the days in the isolation area.

I'm home - will be released on 25/5.

repatriated student creates amazing covid 19 isolated day sketches to raise charity funds
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repatriated student creates amazing covid 19 isolated day sketches to raise charity funds
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repatriated student creates amazing covid 19 isolated day sketches to raise charity funds
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Tarah Nguyen