Taurus Horoscope December 2021: Monthly Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health
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Taurus Horoscope December 2021. Photo: vietnamtimes. |
Monthly Planetary Horoscope
This year is coming to a conclusion, and it wouldn't be 2021 without a bittersweet mixture of drama and glory to this grand finale.
The month is characterized by a conjunction between Venus and Pluto in Capricorn. This transit is happening in your 9th house and is all about a magnetism toward the unknown. Capricorn is all about the long run and the long-term challenges we all have to face throughout the course of our lives. With this conjunction, it may be easy to become success obsessed. This can be inspiring energy to have to enter your life. Still, having this happen in the 9th house could indicate that what you're currently striving towards is somewhat distant. This is not to say that it's beyond your reach, but it's essential to keep a realistic outlook if you want to succeed. Venus can make us quite enamoured with the concept of victory, and consequently, we end up ignoring all the hard work that goes into making big dreams manifest. It's time to focus on the steps, not the finish line.
The New Moon and Solar Eclipse of the month will happen in Sagittarius for the last time in the next 18 years. This is happening in your 8th house, bringing a definite conclusion to significant life transformations, debt, and shared resources. Mercury will be closely conjunct with this New Moon, which hints at actionable strategies to move forward into this next stage of your life. Especially if debt has been a big issue for the last year, the mercantile qualities of this Moon will bring about a willingness to uncover secret techniques to get to that pot of gold you've been looking for. Either way, since this is the last eclipse in this sign and house, any possible obstacles that may arise regarding these themes will be the last ones you'll see for a while.
Further down the month, Mars will be square with Jupiter. This happens between your 7th and 10th house. This will give you the impetus to make big moves in your career, but actually making these plans come to fruition might be slightly more challenging than you're anticipating. There's a sense of having to make some sacrifices, especially regarding your intimate relationships. You can expect some disagreements or people thinking your plans are faulty. When faced with these challenges, the best thing is to listen to your own intuition and follow the direction that seems the most appropriate to you. Keep an open mind, but take criticism with a grain of salt at this time.
After Mars is done with Jupiter, the red planet will change signs going into Sagittarius —your 8th house— and going conjunct with Ketu, the South Node of the Moon.
This transit brings attention to your fears and anxieties. Ketu tends to repress the qualities of planets that come within his grasp, and Mars is the planet of aggression, is not free from that effect. There's a sense of having stored pent-up energy that needs to be channelled somewhere productive. It may be hard to find that outlet at the moment as these deep-seated emotions may cloud your vision a little. Still, patience and sharing your feelings with somebody could be an excellent start to find a solution to these problems. It's also essential to stay away from risky situations that could end up causing your mental ailments to manifest within the body. Be patient and be careful.
This month will also be the month of the last Saturn-Uranus square of the year. This series of squares have been happening between your 1st and 10th house. This could point to instabilities between your sense of self and work-life starting to come to a resolution. If you have been feeling like you don't belong at work or that you want to redefine your sense of purpose, this will be the time where sudden events will plunge you toward the correct path. Even if you are still uncertain of who you are and how you want to be seen by the world, exercising trust and knowing that it will all work out, in the end, will take a lot of weight out of your shoulders. Even though things seem chaotic now, the future is looking much brighter.
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Taurus Monthly Horoscope December 2021. Photo: vietnamtimes. |
The Full Moon this month is happening in Gemini and in your 2nd house. This is the place of finances, resources and earnings. With the Moon gathering light at its maximum potency at this time, you can expect an influx of goods this month. Since it is in Gemini, there's a sense of earning through the sharing of information, applied knowledge and general intellectual partnership. There's much that can be gained at this time, monetary and otherwise.
Finally, the year comes to a close with the long-awaited Jupiter ingress into Pisces happening in your 11th house. This transit has been hyped by many astrologers, and that's not for nothing. Jupiter in Pisces brings abundance, joy and prosperity to whatever area of life it shows up in. The good news is that this transit also lasts for almost a whole year, and it will characterize many aspects of 2022. With it being in your 11th house, you can expect new friends and alliances to pop up in your life. These will teach you powerful lessons about who you are and where you want to go.
In December, Taurus people will get to accomplish some of their most important career goals. However, they will still go through a time period of internal struggles, as they will also want to indulge in pleasure and do only what their instincts are telling them. On the other hand, they will also want to work very hard in order to make their dreams come true, especially since they have started the year in this manner, focusing on projects and achievements. What they need to do is try and have balance, allow things to happen in their own time, and don’t put an emphasis on their professional life when they should be focusing about personal things. The more things are in their right places for them, the more they can have a happy everyday life. If they pay attention to only one thing and forget about the other, they can end up feeling unhappy and stressed. In case they’re being given the opportunity to travel, they should go ahead and take it because it will make them feel very good. Being distracted and no longer worrying about anything can help them determine where obligations end and pleasure begins. It’s also very likely they will need to fix some of their friendships, especially those that have become colder throughout the year of 2021. |
Taurus Monthly Horoscope
Being reassured is a must for you, Taurus. The months is going to start chaotically, but around the 16th, things will take a positive turn.
You will no longer feel anxious or restrictive, so you will manage to solve your problems, not to mention your loved ones will also help you a lot. You earn their sympathy by being nice.
Don’t hesitate to work on yourself so that you no longer feel stressed. For example, express your feelings. You will no longer be terrified that you may lose money, so giving gifts will be one of your main activities.
Unexpected money coming your way will greatly improve your financial situation. Don’t think about the past and be serene about the present and the future. Make sure you take advantage of any opportunity coming your way.
The only thing you really need in the coming days is to escape from everything. You need a rest from the surrounding hustle and bustle, noise, daily duties and problems. You need a moment only for yourself. You need to calmly consider matters related to feelings. And being alone, you have the best chance of thinking it over and reaching deep conclusions.
It is better to stop looking for love and understanding in any place, because you can only be unpleasantly disappointed. At work you will be able to shine, in the end you will get the recognition of the bosses, who will see your talent and great possibilities. It's all thanks to the unique skills you have. If you continue this way, you have a great chance to achieve the long-awaited promotion. In the middle of the month, the best time for business meetings and public appearances will come. It will be a challenge for you, but success will open the door to new opportunities.
A person born under the sign of Virgo or Pisces will be the best companion for you in the coming days. Admittedly, you will not be tempted with humor and enthusiasm, you will only desire peace, quiet and rest for yourself, so it is best if you skip the noisy clubs and parties organized by your friends. In December, you'll feel best in nature, in the company of a person who loves peace and quiet like you. Common walks and long conversations will make you feel the need for relief and balance.
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Taurus Monthly Love Horoscope December 2021. Photo: vietnamtimes. |
December 2021 Taurus Horoscope urges you not to dwell on past events. You should pay attention to the present and make use of the new openings you are presented with. The first fortnight will be turbulent, and then things improve drastically. Love relationships will be supportive for your actions.
It is necessary for Taurus personality to keep social contacts in the loop. Sharing with them your problems will surely reduce your tensions. You may get the right solutions. Your confidence will get a boost and you can focus on your activities.
Taurus Monthly Love Horoscope
Love seems happy this month. For singles there is a romance happening. Venus, the generic planet of love, makes a station – she camps out – right on your love planet Pluto. So something is happening here. The only issue is the stability of it. Remember, Uranus is in your sign for the long term. Taurus compatibility will be full of unpredictable things this month. Your behavior will change and love will be new and affectionate. Your dedication and attitude will impress your partners.
Marital life will undergo major alterations after the first week of the month. Your devotion and dynamism will be appreciated by your spouse and life will be very much enjoyable. This is a good month to plan for a baby.
Single persons will be seduced by someone and this will start the beginning of a new relationship. Love life will be able to give you whatever you expected and there will be bliss in the relationship.
There will be some surprises in your love life, and many things will start anew. You will fantasize a lot, keeping your feelings hidden, but at least your attitude will change.
The people you care about will truly enjoy you, especially since you’re going to be very sincere with them. On the 7th and around this date, your love life is going to change, so you will have to adapt.
Not panicked, you have the most positive energies, so your partner appreciates you for wanting to improve the relationship you two are having.
The stars are showing you how to no longer doubt love, so if a person charms you, you give in. This will turn your love life into something amazing, and your dreams are going to come true.
Monthly 2021 horoscope are wonderful for family relationships. Planetary influences are encouraging and there will be cordiality in the relationships. You will have the blessings of your seniors. Family finances will be looking up and there will be good contributions from members.
Planetary aspects are not beneficial for the academic growth of children and their activities. Getting through competitive tests will require much more study and additional guidance. Commerce students may not do well in their studies. Parents play an important role in molding their future with proper guidance.
Children and children figures in your life also seem affected. They should reduce their schedules and avoid stressful activities at this time. There can be dramas at home and with family members too. If there are hidden flaws in the home now is the time you find out about them, so that they can be corrected.
Taurus Monthly Money Horoscope
The solar eclipse of the 4th affects your finances but is otherwise benign for you. It occurs in your 8th house and so the finances of the spouse, partner or current love are also disrupted, and changes have to be made. There can be dramas with taxes, inheritances, or insurance claims. There can be (psychological) encounters with death. Perhaps surgery is recommended (it doesn’t mean that you have to undergo such treatment). Perhaps there are near-death experiences or close calls with you or people close to you.
While December is going to be rather stressful, you still won’t lack what you need. You will spend a lot around the holidays, so don’t expect to put money aside. If you want some savings this month too, then get a second job. The expenses you make need to be less extravagant.
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Taurus Monthly Money Horoscope December 2021. Photo: vietnamtimes. |
2021 December forecast for Taurus zodiac sign is not profitable for the finances of business people and traders. Stellar aspects are not auspicious and this will prevent them from making good profits. Fine arts dealers and exporters will fail to market their products and may get into financial difficulties.
The month is not favorable for starting new business ventures. The necessary financial help will not be forthcoming. Investments and speculations will give negative returns.
Taurus Monthly Career Horoscope
The things you were worrying about at work are going to stabilize, so you’ll become able to move further with your tasks without overthinking. However, you need to trust yourself and to no longer care about what others think of you.
The feeling you had in the year’s beginning, the one of reassurance, is going to appear again, in spite of you believing that money aren’t enough.
Be patient and believe in yourself, regardless of what may come in your path. Your dreams are going to become a reality, even if this will happen slower. Just don’t become discouraged every time you encounter a difficulty.
Tauruses are very demanding with themselves, this being the reason why they have so many headaches. Stop worrying when things aren’t perfect in the beginning or nothing gets to happen.
2021 Taurus horoscope for career predicts very good conditions for professional development. Star aspects are encouraging and there will be cordiality in the office environment. This will help you accomplish the designated tasks on time. You will get the desired financial gains,
With an easy frame of mind, you can engage yourself in philanthropic activities. This will enhance your mental well-being. If you have the time, you can improve your professional capabilities through advanced training.
December 2021 astrology predictions for Taurus star sign foretells an average period for students for their academic growth. Astral support is not available and this will have a negative influence on your mental skills. All courses of study will pose difficulties to get through.
Competitive tests will require supplementary guidance. Creative subjects such as fine arts will require much more effort to clear the course. Language and commerce students will find the going difficult in their courses.
Jupiter’s move into your 11th house on the 30th – and this time it’s for the long haul – brings new and significant friends into the picture. You get new, good quality, high-tech equipment and gadgets. Your understanding of science, astronomy and astrology will increase. (This will go on for the coming year as well.) Many people have their personal Horoscopes done under this kind of transit.
Taurus Monthly Health Horoscope
Venus, the ruler of your Horoscope, has been ‘out of bounds’ since October 11, and remains this way until the 7th. For the past few months you’ve been moving outside your normal circles, especially in health and work matters. It could be that work responsibilities pulled you out of your comfort zone, or it could be that a job search did this. Perhaps health goals did it. However, by the 7th you will be back in your normal sphere. (Perhaps your sphere has expanded, and this is now your ‘new normal’.)
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Taurus Health Horoscope. Photo: Knowinsiders. |
Health and energy are good this month. When the Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st they will get even better, and when Jupiter leaves Aquarius on the 30th health becomes better still. If you want to enhance it further, back and knee massage is still potent. An occasional visit to the chiropractor or osteopath might also be good.
Being very industrious all the time, Tauruses could benefit from a pleasure trip in which they can get some rest and forget all about what bothered them throughout the year.
Those of them with circulatory or heart problems should pay attention to their diet and ask their doctor what physical activities they’re allowed to make.
On the other hand, those with a tendency to put on extra weight must not indulge in food, especially if they’re interested a lot in looking good all the time.
December 2021 Taurus horoscope foretells fabulous health prospects. The stellar configuration is propitious and this will prevent any serious medical hazard during the month. There may be minor health issues that require immediate medical care. Chronic ailments will remain suppressed.
Your disposition will be great and optimistic. The focus should be on maintaining your good health. Regular exercise and a healthy diet will keep you in excellent shape. Avoid anxiety by proper scheduling of your activities. Relaxation techniques will help you a lot.
Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25 Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 2, 7, 8, 22, 23, 29, 30 Best Days for Love: 1, 2, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25, 29, 30 Best Days for Money: 4, 8, 9, 13, 14, 17, 18, 24, 25, 28 Best Days for Career: 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25 Important numbers: 6, 12, 13 December important dates: 6, 10, 16, 21, 25 Horoscope December special note: "At the end of the month, beware of a confrontation in a partnership. It will be much better if you close an eye on certain matters." |
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