Aquarius Horoscope December 2021: Monthly Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health
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Aquarius Horoscope December 2021. Photo: vietnamtimes. |
Monthly Planetary Horoscope
2021 sure has been a long year, but without further ado, December is here, and it brings with it quite a mixed bag of events.
Venus will be conjunct with Pluto in Capricorn in the first half of the month. This will be happening in your 12th house, which could signify you being drawn to isolation. There's a chance of romanticizing me-time and spending more time than it's needed away from the public eye. While knowing when to retreat can be a great asset to have, there is such a thing as too much self-care. Even if you don't feel like getting out, make to at least go out for a walk. Spending too much time confined in a dark space can do more harm than good sometimes.
The New Moon of the month —and the last eclipse of the year— will be happening in your 11th house. This is a time of resolution of friendship and community issues. Mercury will also be closely conjunct with this Moon, indicating the need to get to the root of the problems and say whatever needs to be said. Sagittarius is the philosopher sign, so this could suggest that there's a need to understand each other's point of view if you want to reharmonize tensions in your community.
Later in the month, Mars will be square with Jupiter. This will be happening between your 1st and 10th house. This transit could give you an urge to be in the public eye. There's a sense of needing more attention than regularly. Still, Mars can be quite the careless planet, so be careful with how you seek that attention. The best way to channel that energy is to earn that attention by helping others and leading by example. If you work on yourself, you're bound to be noticed. In many cases, you may even become a source of inspiration to people.
After Mars is done with Jupiter, it will ingress into Sagittarius. As the red planet changes signs, it will be conjunct with the South Node of the Moon, Ketu. This conjunction can be quite energy draining. Since this is happening in your 11th house, this could mean your friends are the ones experiencing the side effects of this transit. You may have to step up and provide the support and be the light that they're missing. Aquarius is already naturally altruistic and humanitarian, so this is an opportunity to make your natural abilities shine. Be patient, and be there to listen.
The last Saturn and Uranus square of the year will be happening between your 1st and 4th house. This interaction between the house of self and the place of the family can make some interesting results. These two planets squared each other quite a few times throughout the year, and it couldn've been the catalyst of significant changes regarding your living situation. While the transit happening one last time will bring back some of the themes attached to these obstacles, know that this will be the last time they happen for a while. This will be the final step you need to take towards redefining the place you find solace. Maybe this could include moving to a new house or getting a new roommate. An adjustment will be needed, but if you're open to the change, the results will be extremely positive in the long run.
The Gemini Full Moon of the month will be happening in your 5th house. This is the place of creativity, joy and entertainment. A Full Moon in this house will help remediate the seclusion instigated by the Venus and Pluto conjunction that happened earlier in the month. It will harness within you a childlike excitement, which could be quite nostalgic during the holidays. Allow yourself not to take your goals and problems too seriously at this time. It's time to let loose a little and enjoy the small things in life. Gemini also stimulates the brain and gets you in a chatty mood, so let your ideas run loose. People around you will appreciate your enthusiasm.
The year comes to a close with Jupiter finally ingressing into Pisces. This is happening in your 2nd house of finances and earthly possessions. There couldn't be a more abundant transit than this. The good news is that it also lasts for most of the year ahead, so expect a good year for money matters and a collection of resources. 2021 has been a year full of ups and downs, but from here on out, Jupiter is free to deliver the blessings it loves to give.
In December, Aquarius will have both; they will have vibrant social interactions, and they will also have nights when they lock themselves in and reflect back on their lives. During the first two weeks of the month, Aquarians will be able to tap into their ability of being a true extrovert. They will be at ease. Moreover, they will also be able to relate to people, and their lives. But after the curtain drops, Aquarians will go home, sit in their room, and think about their life choices. They will ponder about the issues that deeply affect them. You will be excited and motivated to get started with any project as you will have built the clarity, and proper understanding of what drives you. Thanks to the location of Uranus, and Neptune in the sky, all Aquarians will be able to find inspiration from their inner-self, and existence. |
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Aquarius Monthly Horoscope, December 2021. Photo: vietnamtimes. |
Aquarius Monthly Horoscope
December will be a month for you that confirms that work and effort pays off. You will be convinced that what you have done so far has not been in vain. Daily duties, sometimes getting into routine, will make your life stable. In this way, you will build strong foundations that will bring good prospects.
Persons in permanent relationships may be tempted to have an affair or make every effort to increase the temperature of their feelings in their current relationship.
You will certainly feel better, and in addition to success in matters of the heart and home will fill you with optimism even more. In your career, it's time for change. Your potential promotion, which for a while has gone into oblivion, will now gain new strength and come to the fore. Prepare for a proposal to take up a senior position.
It is possible that you will get an extremely attractive job offer from someone outside. In the middle of the month, start implementing completely new plans - professional and private ones. In everyday chase, do not forget about the most important - about health. Therefore, take care of them and pay attention not to overwork.
Rest assured that you will not be faced with any adverse situation in the month of December. But do not rely on your relationship for mental peace. At the end of the day, you decide the fate of your life, no one else. Always make sure to fully realize your past achievements prior to starting with new ones. Don’t let anyone tell you that your ideas aren’t authentic.
Once you fully realize your talents, your desirers, you will be the happiest person on earth. You will have an open outlook on everything. You want to live a different life, that isn’t in line with your loved ones dream of.
Even if being highly receptive didn’t work out that well for you on many previous occasions, in December you might try being receptive again. Listen to what other have to say, how they feel, and how certain things make them feel. This quality you have will help you re-open many closed doors.
December 2021 Aquarius Horoscope promises a number of opportunities for growth. You should grab them and proceed with courage. The month favors good relationships and they go a long way in your success. It is important to consolidate your accomplishments, before engaging yourself in fresh projects.
Your mental faculties are exceptional and you look at things with a new, original perspective. There will be appreciation by others of your wonderful qualities. The second week of the month will be beneficial for Aquarius personality. There will be support from family members for your activities.
Aquarius Monthly Love Horoscope
Though the eclipse brings some disturbance, love seems basically happy this month. You are very much a ‘love at first sight’ kind of person these days. You jump into relationships quickly. Romantic opportunities happen online or through social media sites. They can happen as you get involved with groups and group activities. After the 21st love is more spiritual. Romantic opportunities happen in spiritual settings – at a meditation class or spiritual lecture or prayer meeting. These kinds of places.
Aquarius compatibility can be enhanced by regulating all aspects of your life. Your love life should not be spoiled with interference from your professional problems. Love life will be harmonious after the 10th. Married life will be affectionate and will improve further as the month progresses. You will not allow any problems to flare up by your diplomacy. Love will be gentle and friendly throughout the month with scope for pregnancy.
Single persons are cautious towards forming relationships of love during the first two weeks of the month. After that you are enthusiastic about forming relationships and will be successful.
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Aquarius Zodiac Sign. Photo: listland. |
All Aquarians must not give higher priority to their love life. Have equal weightage for your work life, your partner, and your personal life. Only then you can be truly happy. Don’t let your friends and family make you choose between your work and them. No matter what you go with, you will regret it later. Also, don’t let the stress from your work life interfere with your private life.
If you are going through an emotional meltdown, everything will go back to normal within the first 10 days of December. You will be happy with your love life. At the same time, you will be excited about Christmas eve. If you see that things aren’t going the way you wanted them to, don’t panic.
Don’t ty to fix them either. Let them follow their natural course, and by the end of December you will feel fully relaxed. If you are still single, you should stay cautious during December. Before you reach December 15th, you will grow frustrated with being single.
But don’t blame your destiny. Be serious about your life, and it will resonate with your actions. Once you have a formal outlook towards life, the right partner will feel attracted to you.
This coming month, the prospects for your family welfare are quite bright, since the stars are in a favourable mood. The elders of the family would be quite pleased with your conduct and in return whole-heartedly bless you. In fact, some of you can look forward to sizeable gains from them.
You all can expect to do fairly well financially, with a definite rise in the overall family income. In addition, the family atmosphere would also remain pleasant, with harmony among the members, and not a note of discord to be heard.
2021 horoscope for the 12 months is extremely congenial for family relationships. Planetary aspects are supportive and there will be harmony among family members. Senior members will encourage your activities and they will get their due respect. Family finances are excellent and there will be contributions from other members.
Star positions are not auspicious for the activities of children and their academic performance will be below par. Clearing competitive tests will require more instructions and effort. Parents should monitor their activities and guide them towards success in their studies.
A month during which the affairs of your children are unlikely coast along smoothly since the stars are not favourably disposed. The performance of the wards of most of you at studies would tend to be below average and many of them may need a lot of extra help to get along. Those sitting for competitive examinations should go in for extra coaching.
Those pursuing some practical trade or apprenticeship etc. may do relatively better. In fact, most of them may display a higher than normal level of skills with their hands. This would be the saving grace of sorts for this month.
Aquarius Monthly Money Horoscope
2021 December Horoscope forecast for Aquarius zodiac foretells exceptional prospects for finances of business people. They will be able to make very good profits from their business activities. Traders and exporters also can expect to do very well. In addition, there will be some unexpected gains.
Planetary aspects are auspicious and this will help to start new business projects. You will have no problem in getting financial support from institutions. Speculations and investments will be very much profitable.
Your financial prospects look good this month, since you will get several notable opportunities, for profit. Those of you who go in for speculative activity or even gambling may look forward to, making handsome profits. Further, for some of you there is a distinct possibility of an unexpected windfall.
A very welcome development, from their point of view. In fact, most of you would be able to achieve success in realizing your objectives in fairly quick time. Finally, it is also very likely that some of you would generate a sizeable chunk of unaccounted money.
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Aquarius Zodiac Sign. Photo: AstroSage Varta |
Aquarians are god at managing money. But no one really knows how to minimize spending in December. You have the Christmas, and New Year’s coming. You will be buying gifts for loved ones, attending parties, taking your family for dinner outdoors.
All these social activities will help you bond with your loved ones, so you shouldn’t shy away from spending money. But you should also formulate a plan to recover the money your spent in December within January of next year.
Aquarius Monthly Career Horoscope
A month during which the combination of stars facing you would do much good to your career prospects. You would have a style and manner of handling your juniors and subordinates that would enable you to derive the optimum benefit from their services. This could be the most important gain during this month.
2021 Aquarius horoscope for career promises excellent opportunities for career growth this month. Stellar aspects are favorable and the environment at the workplace will be very much pleasant. Relationship with colleagues and the management will be cordial. This will help you to achieve your targets easily. You will get good rewards for your hard work.
You will get encouragement from social contacts for career advancement. You can use your spare time in social service and religious engagements.
Despite a lot of hard work, the effort may not seem to be a burden at all, because the rewards would handsomely compensate you. Further, there is the possibility of some old person doing you a good turn which would give a big boost to your career. Travel also will prove quite beneficial, with south being the most advantageous direction.
This month your educational efforts are unlikely to have smooth sailing, since the stars are not very favourable placed. This month all examination results of most of you would be below expectations, to say the least. Technical students would have to work much harder than normal to maintain their ranking.
In fact, most of you would have to struggle, for your objectives, and even then not achieve much success. Those in technical trades and crafts of various sorts, demanding skill and dexterity may not be much affected by the adverse spell of circumstances. Candidates appearing for competitive examinations should go in for extra coaching, since this could decide the outcome of their efforts.
Aquarians are perfectionists by nature. This leads them to thinking they are correct all the time. But during December, if you want to maintain a healthy relationship with your colleagues, you must take an objective look at the world.
December 2021 forecasts for Aquarius zodiac sign is not promising for educational prospects of students. Astral aspects are not positive and this will directly affect the learning capabilities. Hence almost all courses will prove to be tough. Professional students will have to toil hard to maintain their grades. Clearing competitive tests may require much more effort and supplementary coaching. Commerce and communication students also will face hardships in their studies.
Aquarius Monthly Health Horoscope
December 2021 Aquarius horoscope predicts marvelous prospects for health. Astral configuration is auspicious and there will not be any serious health issues this month. Chronic illnesses will be under control and routine medical assistance is required for minor ailments. A regular exercise regime combined with a healthy diet plan will maintain your fitness levels. Stress levels can be controlled by scheduling your activities. Relaxation techniques such as meditation and sports will be very much helpful. Your disposition will be positive and optimistic.
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Aquarius Zodiac Sign. Photo: Shutterstock. |
You can look forward to fairly encouraging health prospects during the ensuring one month, since the stars are in a mood to bless you. Any predisposition to chronic disorders like rheumatism and gout, and irregularities like flatulence and excess of wind in the digestive tract would get relief.
This month afflictions of this nature would not trouble you, provided normal care is exercised. Somber temperaments would be more than normally prone to cheerfulness. This would make for a more spirited existence. Overall, a fairly beneficial month ahead of you in terms of health prospects.
Aquarians have an inherent problem. They will go months without taking action to resolve a conflict. If you have been avoiding a health issue, it is high time you visited a doctor, and let them treat you. To add excitement in your life, you might want to reconsider start seeing that special someone you like from work.
Best Days Overall: 7, 8, 17, 18, 27, 28 Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 2, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30 Best Days for Love: 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25 Best Days for Money: 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 20, 21, 28, 30 Best Days for Career: 1, 2, 6, 16, 25, 29, 30 Important numbers: 6, 9, 12 December important dates: 10, 14, 19, 22, 27 Horoscope December special note: "The beginning of the month will be the best time to start a new venture. You direct attention to yourself and your private matters." |
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