Vietnamese Language Honored in Czech Republic

A first-ever ceremony to honor the Vietnamese language in Europe and the donation of Vietnamese book collections took place in Prague and Brno.
July 30, 2024 | 14:28
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Speaking at the ceremony, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Le Thi Thu Hang appreciated the positive response to the Ceremony to Honor the Vietnamese Language of many generations of Vietnamese people in the Czech Republic.

The Deputy Minister was pleased that the children of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generations of Vietnamese people in the Czech Republic still love and want to learn Vietnamese.

Vietnamese Language Honored in Czech Republic
Presenting commemorative medals and gifts to groups and individuals, teachers and students who achieved outstanding results in teaching and learning Vietnamese in the Czech Republic.

Although there are still many difficulties in funding for organizing classes and teaching materials, the Deputy Minister appreciates the silent contributions of "people's teachers" and benefactors in maintaining Vietnamese language classes for many years.

The Deputy Minister also shared touching stories about volunteer teachers teaching Vietnamese in classes with difficult conditions in many parts of the world, affirming that this is a testament to their love, responsibility, and passion, as well as their love for their nation, homeland, and language, with the aim of preserving and protecting the Vietnamese language - 'their mother tongue.'

Hang said that the ceremony not only honors the Vietnamese language but also serves as an opportunity to express gratitude to organizations and individuals, teachers, parents, and students who have consistently strived to preserve the Vietnamese language - a priceless asset of our nation - with heartfelt devotion to their homeland.

Reaffirming the government's commitment to supporting Vietnamese communities worldwide in their efforts to honor the Vietnamese language, the Deputy Minister expressed hope that the community, with love and responsibility, will continue their endeavors to preserve and protect the Vietnamese language - the soul of our nation, for generations to come.

Speaking at the ceremony, Ambassador Duong Hoai Nam expressed confidence that the diverse activities of the Vietnamese Language Day for the Overseas Vietnamese Community would make significant contributions to promoting Vietnamese language teaching and learning abroad. He further asserted that this event holds great significance and serves as a tremendous source of encouragement for the Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic, fostering and developing the teaching and learning of Vietnamese within the community.

The Ambassador said that the Embassy will support, accompany, and encourage the community to maintain their cultural identity, further promoting the movement to teach and learn Vietnamese - the glue that binds the community to their homeland. Through these efforts, the Embassy aims to foster a more united Vietnamese community that preserves its traditions, and always looks towards its homeland.

In response to Deputy Minister Le Thi Thu Hang's gratitude and request for continued cooperation with the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs in activities to honor the Vietnamese language, Pham Vinh Thai, editor-in-chief of the Vietnam Education Publishing House, expressed his commitment to continuing the partnership with the State Committee in building Vietnamese language libraries for overseas Vietnamese communities, and organizing training courses for Vietnamese language teachers abroad.

He also affirmed that the Publishing House will continue to collaborate with the State Committee in providing Vietnamese books to overseas Vietnamese, expanding the model of training courses for overseas Vietnamese language teachers, and being ready to cooperate with the community in researching and compiling Vietnamese language textbooks that are suitable for the language, and specific characteristics of each local community.

Representing the second, third, and fourth-generation Vietnamese students in the Czech Republic, Hoang Phuong Linh, an outstanding second-year student at Charles University Prague and an executive board member of the Vietnamese Students Association in the Czech Republic, shared her personal experiences participating in the Vietnam Summer Camp organized by the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs.

The camp facilitated connections among young Vietnamese and people of Vietnamese origin worldwide, fostering a deeper understanding of Vietnam's origins, culture, and history.

She expressed her gratitude for the Vietnamese government's strong support for Vietnamese language education, recognizing Vietnamese as the cultural foundation of every nation, and expressed her hope that these activities would continue to expand.

Vietnamese Language Honored in Czech Republic
At the ceremony.

Representing Vietnamese language teachers, Nguyen Van Son and Nguyen Hong Nhung from the Vietnamese language center in Prague, and Nguyen Thi Man from the Karlo Vietnamese Center, all emphasized the importance of preserving the Vietnamese language within the community, as a bridge connecting overseas Vietnamese with their homeland.

They shared the challenges they face, including limited funding for classes, and a lack of suitable teaching materials. The teachers expressed their desire for greater support, particularly in terms of income, to enable them to continue their passion for preserving the Vietnamese language and cultural identity. Additionally, they proposed that the government provide support for digital transformation in Vietnamese language teaching, teacher training, and the establishment of local libraries.

On this occasion, Deputy Minister Le Thi Thu Hang presented five commemorative medals and gifts to organizations,individuals, teachers, and students who have made outstanding contributions to teaching and learning Vietnamese in the Czech Republic. Also at the ceremony, the Deputy Minister, along with Ambassador Duong Hoai Nam, Pham Vinh Thai, representatives of central and local associations in the Czech Republic, and other delegates, inaugurated a Vietnamese language library to serve the community.

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Rosie Nguyen
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