Vietnam Ranks 6th Place in GDP Per Capita Among Southeast Asian Countries
08:36 | 14/05/2024
According to the data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) updated in April 2024, the average GDP per capita in Vietnam reached more than US $4,600, an impressive seven-fold in less than 40 years.

Greater Efforts For Economic Growth In Vietnam In 2024
09:44 | 06/01/2024
The investor community, businesses, and people in Vietnam enter 2024 with greater expectations about economic recovery and promoting growth to help the national economy make a breakthrough in the time ahead.

Vietnamese Economy Likely to Lead ASEAN's Growth
17:53 | 30/09/2023
Reputable international organizations anticipate that Vietnamese GDP growth this year may exceed other ASEAN member states.

Overseas Entrepreneurs Contribute to Vietnam's Global Economic Integration
15:00 | 23/01/2023
Here are some business associations established by overseas Vietnamese communities who have actively engaged and promoted the economic growth of Vietnam in 2022.

Greater Efforts Needed to Stabilize Macroeconomy Amid Global Complications
12:19 | 10/10/2022
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, in his closing speech at the sixth plenum of the Party Central Committee in Hanoi on October 9, asked for greater efforts to be made to maintain the national macroeconomic stability in the context of global unpredictable complications.

WB Forecasts Vietnam's Economic Growth at 7.5% in 2022
07:49 | 09/08/2022
Vietnam’s economic recovery accelerated over the last six months on the back of resilient manufacturing and a robust rebound in services.

Vietnam’s Economy Back on Track for Strong Recovery: Economists
07:15 | 13/07/2022
Vietnam’s economy is back on track for a strong recovery this year, economists said as cited by The Business Times of Singapore in an article on July 12.

Bloomberg: Vietnam’s Economic Growth Accelerates on Exports, Manufacturing
07:01 | 11/07/2022
Vietnam’s economic growth accelerated faster than expected in the second quarter, as a recovery in exports and manufacturing helped offset risks from coronavirus outbreaks and rising oil prices.

Experts' Perspective: Why Is Vietnam Favored By International Investors?
09:39 | 25/03/2022
In the preview of an upcoming book titled “Time Traveling Economist”, author Charlie Robertson, the global chief economist of Renaissance Capital, has explained why Vietnam escaped from poverty to become a middle-income country and move towards the prosperity enjoyed by developed markets.

WB Regional Vice President: Vietnam Makes Great Efforts in Socio-Economic Development
07:58 | 23/03/2022
Vietnam has made great efforts and progress in socio-economic development over the past decades, WB Regional Vice President for East Asia and Pacific Manuela V. Ferro said.

Experts: Vietnamese Economy Regains Momentum in 2022 thanks to Macroeconomic Stability
08:40 | 01/02/2022
Economists predict that the national economy will recover and regain its growth momentum in 2022 thanks to the macroeconomic stability it maintained in 2021.

Standard Chartered: Vietnam- Priority Destination among Emerging Economies
08:07 | 09/11/2021
Standard Chartered Bank has regarded Vietnam as a priority destination among emerging economies thanks to its development potential and open-door policy.

Vietnam's Economy To Recover After Lockdown Is Lifted: WB
08:18 | 16/09/2021
World Bank’s (WB) Senior Economist Dorsati Madani expected that Vietnam’s economy will recover on the back of solid growth achieved in the first half of 2021 after the lockdown is lifted.

German firms optimistic about Vietnamese economy
10:01 | 13/05/2021
German firms have expressed their optimism about Vietnam’s economy in both mid-and long terms in a recent survey released by the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) on May 12.

ADB: Vietnamese economy to be the fastest growing in Southeast Asia
16:23 | 28/04/2021
The Vietnamese economy will be the fastest-growing in Southeast Asia this year at 6.7 percent driven by a manufacturing recovery and boom in trade.

Economic institute anticipates 6.3% GDP for Vietnamese economy in 2021
00:40 | 22/04/2021
Several factors including effective pandemic control will help Vietnam grow 6-6.3 percent this year, according to the Vietnam Institute for Economic and Policy Research (VEPR).

UOB: Vietnamese economy predicted to post 7.1% GDP growth in 2021
08:32 | 29/03/2021
Vietnamese GDP growth is anticipated to expand 7.1% this year, to be driven by strong exports and foreign investment attraction, according to the Quarterly Global Outlook 2021 recently released by the United Oversea Bank (UOB).

MoneyWeek: Vietnam – an emerging market that shone in a difficult year
08:20 | 16/03/2021
The list of countries that managed to grow their economies last year is an unusually short one, which makes Vietnam stand out.

Vietnam to aim for more Indian investment opportunities at joint business forum
12:57 | 13/03/2021
At a joint India-Vietnam business forum held this week in Chandigarh city, Pham Sanh Chau, Vietnamese ambassador to India asks Indian bussinesses on exploring Vietnamese market's opportunities and investment in the country.

Vietnamese economy sets to grow strong over the next decade
00:24 | 13/03/2021
According to predictions made by Fitch Solutions, Vietnamese economy is set to archieve 6,5% annual growth over the next decade, and the Government is making every effort to diversify its export markets whilst aiming to improve infrastructure.
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