Weekend Horoscope (June 25-27): Astrological Prediction for Zodiac Signs
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Neptune retrograde activates your twelfth house which rules mystical affairs and self-undoing. If you’re engaged in harmful behaviors, this is the time to address and stop them. Business matters are highlighted by the Capricorn Moon on Friday, while on Saturday things turn fun as the Aquarius Moon lights up your eleventh house of friendship and social affairs. A Career Advice Psychic can help you with that work issue that just won’t go away.
Saturday and Sunday are ideal for having fun but not so good for working hard. You should be feeling happy, optimistic, generous, and very sociable. However, problems will arise if you need to attend to more serious matters in which a responsible or conservative attitude is needed. Care must be taken this weekend not to lower your standards if dating as this could lead to wrong choices or embarrassing situations.
Jun 25, 2021
When we yearn to achieve success in a particular area, we can forget others achieved it before us. We can focus intently on what we're keen to accomplish and overlook the fact that others have proved what we're keen to make happen is possible. If we followed precisely their route to success, then would we not inevitably achieve it? Believe that something you want to achieve IS achievable!
Lucky numbers: 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, 49
Daily Compatibility: Gemini
Jun 26, 2021
Many people are unaware that a good leader rarely has to shout. That can be one of the main reasons why respect for someone who doesn't know how to make proper use of the power they wield goes straight out the window. Somebody adopting a 'do as I say, not as I do' mantra tends not to score brownie points, either. To gain somebody's support, lead by example, and you know what example you should set!
Lucky numbers: 18, 32, 37, 39, 43, 45
Daily Compatibility: Leo
Jun 27, 2021
Aries Horoscope Are there still funfair mirrors that make you look four feet tall and wide or seven feet tall and one foot wide? Nobody has viewed themselves in one and believed what they saw was real. It's clear that an appearance is distorted or skewed. Try to bear that in mind where something causing you to feel anxious is concerned. That could be entirely due to how you choose to see it!
Lucky numbers: 8, 15, 20, 22, 34, 37
Daily Compatibility: Gemini
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The Capricorn Moon in your ninth house trines Uranus on Friday, insisting you take a jaunt and visit a new restaurant or try something you haven’t done before. Saturday, your ruling planet, Venus, moves into creative Leo and lights up your fourth house of home and family. Time to shop and feather your nest with new twigs and yarn. The Aquarius Moon illuminates your tenth house of success; a Career Psychic can help ensure you achieve your goals.
Saturday and Sunday is a good weekend for loving, relaxing and partying. You can more easily share your feelings of affection with others. With fewer worries and fears you should feel less inhibited than usual. So this is the perfect time for dating, making new friends, improving existing relationships, and even doing business. You can rely on increased charm and social skills to make a good first impression. A significant new relationship to begin.
Jun 25, 2021
Taurus Horoscope Insights and revelations do tend to arrive out of the blue. We know to trust those that feel right or create an undeniable Eureka Moment. It's great when they arrive on their own, but there are times when we need to help them along. Information that you could do with having now might require you to knuckle down to find it. But you needn't worry that your search will last a long time.
Lucky numbers: 20, 24, 28, 34, 40, 47
Daily Compatibility: Virgo
Jun 26, 2021
Some people excel at saying one thing but meaning another. We also have a reason sometimes to distrust those who claim to want our trust and have our best interests at heart. It might be helpful to assess someone's motivations along such lines now. There could be a deeper, hidden message within what they say. What they want from you might not be as apparent as it appears to be, either.
Lucky numbers: 1, 18, 21, 28, 33, 47
Daily Compatibility: Virgo
Jun 27, 2021
Taurus Horoscope A quest or desire for intense perfection could be your biggest source of angst now. Like tomorrow, perfection never arrives. It's an illusion. Anyone who thinks they've achieved it can always spot where even the tiniest improvement can be made. So, let yourself off the hook. You deserve to be much prouder and much less critical.
Lucky numbers: 1, 8, 15, 25, 26, 44
Daily Compatibility: Cancer
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The Capricorn Moon on Friday encourages you to look at the resources you share with others, making sure everything is in order. Saturday, the moon moves into Aquarius, activating your ninth house of adventure; be sure to go have one! Sunday, the trine from the moon to Mercury, your ruling planet, provides the fuel you need to introduce a new part of yourself or your life to the world at large. A Love Psychic can help you with this.
Friday to Sunday is excellent for partying and making love. You should feel warm, happy, sociable and generous. Good luck may come in the form of gifts, money or compliments. Increased popularity, charisma and charm make this a good time for dating. Making friends come easy and new partnerships will be genuine and mutually beneficial. Good luck also applies to education, business, and legal matters.
Jun 25, 2021
Gemini Horoscope Sometimes, the need to be patient puts us in a Catch 22 situation. We know impatience shown toward making something happen before it's meant to can create problems. But there are times when a process drags on painfully to the point where we start to question if our interest remains as high as it was. Don't let the need to be patient in an area of your world cause your interest or faith to diminish.
Lucky numbers: 30, 33, 41, 42, 43, 48
Daily Compatibility: Aries
Jun 26, 2021
Gemini Horoscope Something shared now could bring relief. Getting something off your chest could be not only helpful to you but revealing for someone else, too. If you're willing to make yourself a tiny bit vulnerable briefly, then an insightful exchange can occur. It might even transform a particular relationship by setting a new precedent for two-way openness.
Lucky numbers: 2, 10, 12, 16, 27, 42
Daily Compatibility: Leo
Jun 27, 2021
Gemini Horoscope Stubbornness on your part could affect the progress or release on offer in a certain area. But you may have formed a rigid opinion some time ago that you've not considered reassessing since. You could feel more relaxed and happier if you were more supportive or accommodating toward a particular person. It might be time to review your reasons for not being both.
Lucky numbers: 10, 15, 20, 25, 26, 37
Daily Compatibility: Aries
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Your partnership, and the practical steps you can take to improve and enliven it, are illuminated by the Capricorn Moon in your seventh house trine broadminded Uranus. Saturday, the moon moves into Aquarius and lights up intimacy, deeper levels of connection, and shared resources. Neptune retrograde in your ninth house of philosophy, expansion, and religion helps you deepen your spiritual practices. A Love Psychic can help with challenging relationship issues that just don’t seem to resolve.
Sunday is an increased need for love and affection could see you experiencing companionship at a deeper, more intense level. You will be wielding greater power to attract friends and lovers. You can have a magnetic attractiveness that pulls people in at a subconscious level that may lead to intense sexual experiences. An instant attraction could lead to a profound and karmic relationship.
Jun 25, 2021
Cancer Horoscope The saying 'the heart wants what it wants' is a popular one. It implies resistance might be futile where something or someone we genuinely want is concerned. It can take some time before honesty finds its way into a thought process regarding what or who we think we want. If you can be honest with yourself now, then you needn't continue suppressing a desire your heart urges you to accept.
Lucky numbers: 3, 5, 16, 21, 25, 48
Daily Compatibility: Scorpio
Jun 26, 2021
Cancer Horoscope Taking risks can sometimes be made more complex if we feel we have a devil on one shoulder, encouraging hastiness, and an angel urging caution or restraint. With some risks, the angel deserves to have a louder voice. Coming events could push you to take a step you might feel hesitant about taking. But with the cosmic support available to you now, trust that the risk is minimal!
Lucky numbers: 3, 10, 20, 27, 43, 44
Daily Compatibility: Virgo
Jun 27, 2021
Cancer Horoscope Let's assume you have a dozen reasons to react cautiously or even confrontationally in some way. Let's also assume you have eleven reasons to be relaxed and cooperative. If you've come that far with the latter, then it probably won't be difficult to find a couple more reasons! Progress in a specific area or with a particular person now relies on you tipping the balance - in the right way.
Lucky numbers: 7, 11, 20, 29, 34, 42
Daily Compatibility: Taurus
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The Capricorn Moon on Friday and Saturday morning shines a light on your health and overall well-being. Take a look at your lifestyle and habits. Neptune retrograde will help you make the necessary changes. Venus moves into your sign and first house on Saturday, making you essentially irresistible! Adoration can be fun, but don’t let it blind you to important red flags. A Love Psychic can help you determine whether someone is right, or just right now.
Sunday brings love, money, harmony, and happiness without having to strive, struggle or work hard. This is a time to enjoy the benefits of the good karma accrued from your previous good deeds and hard work. Beautiful things are attracted to you. This is an excellent time for dating as your increased physical and inner beauty make you more popular in social settings.
Jun 25, 2021
Leo Horoscope The truth is known to hurt, and nobody takes pleasure in providing it if they sense that's the case. But rarely can we feel good within ourselves about doing nothing to help somebody who sees something unrealistically or delusionally. Being a true friend or showing a true sign of love means drawing someone's attention to an uncomfortable fact. That's a responsibility you might have to shoulder.
Lucky numbers: 8, 15, 20, 26, 36, 47
Daily Compatibility: Libra
Jun 26, 2021
Leo Horoscope Whatever captures your imagination now could definitely do so with gusto. You're blessed with a feline-like curiosity, but your keenness to pursue or explore something intriguing could escalate noticeably now. As thrilling as a learning curve might be, it is possible to become obsessive about whatever inspires or excites you. Do try to keep an eye on that.
Lucky numbers: 9, 14, 30, 31, 34, 37
Daily Compatibility: Gemini
Jun 27, 2021
Leo Horoscope Our intuition never grows tired of filling in the gaps of something or replacing missing information. Our inner voice has a pretty impressive track record with doing so, too. In an area of your world now, there could be benefits to trusting a 'gut feeling.' But you can speed up a particular process - and remove any assumptions - by asking a direct question. Choose that.
Lucky numbers: 11, 33, 34, 43, 45, 49
Daily Compatibility: Libra
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The Capricorn Moon on Friday and Saturday morning brings a practical focus to your creativity as it harmonizes with your Virgo energy. It will allow you to move your creative projects forward with ease. Neptune retrograde brings the opportunity to address relationship issues and finally get old patterns sorted and healed. The Aquarius Moon shifts the spotlight to self-care, self-love, and your overall health and well-being. A Clairvoyant Psychic can help you more easily see the changes you need to implement.
Saturday and Sunday you will likely feel more protective of your family and partner and can carry out your duties and responsibilities with care and patience. You could show how much you care for them in practical ways, not through public displays of emotion. This is a good weekend for sharing your deep and serious emotions with a loved one. This is also a good time for discussing commitment, loyalty, and the family home.
Jun 25, 2021
Virgo Horoscope New circumstances emerging will undoubtedly require you to adapt to them. Try not to misinterpret the brief insecurity that comes with change as a reason to be doubtful or pessimistic. You haven't made a wrong move or choice. What you have taken is a significant step in a much better and improved direction. Allow a bit of time for this to become clearer.
Lucky numbers: 15, 37, 40, 42, 45, 46
Daily Compatibility: Taurus
Jun 26, 2021
Virgo Horoscope Although it can appear as if fish move randomly, erratically, or senselessly, they likely think otherwise. There's a purpose to what they do despite how it seems. Might you have others scratching their heads, wondering why you see sense in something they might see as 'out in left field'? For now, don't allow their confusion to be your problem. If something makes sense to you, keep on it.
Lucky numbers: 3, 19, 33, 35, 41, 44
Daily Compatibility: Taurus
Jun 27, 2021
Virgo Horoscope If more people were prepared to say the words, 'hey, you were right,' then we'd probably have fewer reasons to say 'I told you so.' Somewhere in your world, it's likely you've seen certain writing on the wall. But convincing others or someone in particular to accept your point of view may have been challenging so far. Yet, somehow, in some way, that looks set to finally happen.
Lucky numbers: 11, 28, 31, 33, 34, 47
Daily Compatibility: Cancer
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The Capricorn Moon lights up your fourth house of home and family on Friday and Saturday morning, then moves into Aquarius and illuminates your creativity. Venus, your ruling planet, enters Leo on Saturday and activates your eleventh house of friendship and social affairs. Get ready to be both the center of attention and the life of the party! Neptune retrograde may deliver insight into some pressing health concerns. A Clairaudient Psychic can help put your mind at ease.
Sunday brings good cheer, optimism, and plenty of love. Others will find you more attractive as you relax and express the more affectionate and welcoming side of your personality. This is a great time for dating but also for mending any stressful relationships. Luck in love can be matched with some fortune elsewhere in your life. Gifts, compliments, and good offers may be in store.
Jun 25, 2021
Libra Horoscope Walking into a bank and asking to borrow money is barely helpful to the person sat behind the window. There's a likely willingness to assist, but specifics are needed. A general request like that can't bring the desired result. What's the point of this analogy? The universe works similarly! You can benefit from being more specific in your mind and heart about something you know you want.
Lucky numbers: 11, 12, 13, 23, 28, 47
Daily Compatibility: Leo
Jun 26, 2021
Libra Horoscope When we shorten sentences, we give them a stronger sense of urgency. 'Let's go' is more motivating than 'let us depart now.' But enough of the English lesson. Conveying yourself with crystal clarity while also creating a necessary sense of urgency might need you to simplify your message. See what you can do about making any point with the least words possible. It helps you and others.
Lucky numbers: 1, 5, 19, 21, 27, 31
Daily Compatibility: Sagittarius
Jun 27, 2021
Libra Horoscope You could, understandably, believe a situation needs to be handled with kid gloves or unusual levels of care. But see what reacting more spontaneously and less cautiously can do. All you need to do is allow certain circumstances to have some space to unfold as they intend to. Trust that your desired outcome can arrive without steering it in ways you might believe are necessary.
Lucky numbers: 5, 12, 24, 27, 29, 45
Daily Compatibility: Sagittarius
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Take care of catching up on your correspondence on Friday and Saturday morning, with the support of the Capricorn Moon in your third house. The moon then moves into Aquarius and lights up your fourth house of home and family, inviting you to love and nurture those you care for. Neptune retrograde directs your attention to matters of the heart, helping you clear out any fantasies and false hope. A Love Psychic can support you through this process.
Saturday and Sunday brings peace and harmony as you feel more emotional, caring and loving. This is a great weekend to relax with loved ones or party with friends. This is a great time to socialize because of increased popularity and charisma. You should feel more at ease around other people and comfortable in public. Making friends comes easy and you could easily begin a new love relationship.
Jun 25, 2021
Scorpio Horoscope 'An ounce of prevention,' as Billy Shakespeare wrote, 'is worth a pound of cure.' That means it's better to do something to avoid a problem than have to resolve it when it arises. Unfortunately, we don't all possess the forward-thinking abilities of Jason Bourne in the 'Bourne' films. But as a Scorpio, you're blessed with exceptional intuition. If your inner voice tells you to take a step now to avoid a problem later, it's worth trusting.
Lucky numbers: 21, 32, 35, 38, 44, 48
Daily Compatibility: Cancer
Jun 26, 2021
Scorpio Horoscope If you want someone to understand you, you have support in two ways to help this happen. The first involves an ability to convey yourself clearly and practically. The second surrounds a strong sense of trust you can create between you and a certain person. Try to make a point by being sensitive and accommodating rather than forceful. Both are your ticket to winning at least one person over.
Lucky numbers: 18, 29, 34, 35, 42, 44
Daily Compatibility: Pisces
Jun 27, 2021
Scorpio Horoscope Some people who dare to be different are appreciated or applauded. Others receive unfair or unjustified criticism. Much depends on the criteria others set regarding what's acceptable. But the world needs more people willing to assert their individuality, especially nowadays. Where you might feel tempted to stray from a 'norm,' all that matters is you feel good for doing so. Ignore anyone else.
Lucky numbers: 2, 3, 13, 33, 40, 43
Daily Compatibility: Pisces
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Your finances receive the illumination and support of the Capricorn Moon on Friday and Saturday morning. The moon then enters Aquarius and your third house of communication, connection, and community. Reach out to the people who would love to hear from you. Buried information and issues involving your home and family may surface as Neptune turns retrograde in your fourth house. An Empath Psychic can help you manage any intense or overwhelming emotions that might arise.
Sunday is a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere makes this a great time to have fun but also to smooth over any difficulties in your relationships. When socializing you could well be the center of attention and a new love interest could come into your life. Any new personal or business partnership will most likely be enjoyable and mutually beneficial. This is also a good time to buy art, fashion, jewelry, and cosmetics.
Jun 25, 2021
Sagittarius Horoscope Maybe, one day, somebody will invent an app that creates definitive priority lists. This technology would identify how, by doing one task, we could strike another off our list at the same time. Even the most skilled multitasker can't be 100% efficient. So, go easy on yourself if responsibilities seem to increase by the hour. Be guided by what's truly important rather than what might only satisfy one or two others.
Lucky numbers: 1, 5, 13, 24, 44, 45
Daily Compatibility: Libra
Jun 26, 2021
Sagittarius Horoscope There could be a need to pay extra close attention to detail in some way. But there could also be benefits to you with stepping back and taking realistic stock of what painstaking efforts bring you. It doesn't necessarily mean you're doing something wrong. But an important plan or aspiration needs you to shift your focus from minutiae to a bigger picture begging for attention now.
Lucky numbers: 2, 3, 6, 25, 38, 41
Daily Compatibility: Libra
Jun 27, 2021
Sagittarius Horoscope There's something hilariously ludicrous about the classic Monty Python sketch,'The Argument Clinic.' Imagine a business providing paid-for arguments among a few other bizarre services. It's equally crazy to think anyone else in our world can willingly take a bold step or bring a change on our behalf, too. Whatever you feel must change in your world, it's essential to believe that only you can bring it.
Lucky numbers: 1, 17, 30, 41, 43, 45
Daily Compatibility: Libra
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Your first house of self is illuminated by the Capricorn Moon on Friday and Saturday morning, and the trine to Uranus encourages you to break out of your routines. The Aquarius Moon conjunct your ruling planet, Saturn, helps you make an important financial decision. Neptune retrograde focuses on your connection to others and your manner of communication, likely uncovering secrets or lapses that may be uncomfortable. A Money Psychic can help guide you.
Saturday and Sunday relationship tension may arise due to an imbalance between the love you give and receive. If you have done too much for someone, they may start taking advantage of the situation. If you have taken someone for granted they may withdraw their affection. Use moderation and humility to avoid embarrassment, controversy, scandal, or legal problems.
Jun 25, 2021
Capricorn Horoscope We know we can spend a long time worrying about something that is resolved in a matter of minutes, sometimes even seconds. We might need to wait briefly before we're able to take the initiative ourselves, and it's interesting how often one conversation brings closure. A concern is probably more resolvable than it appears to be. An open, clarifying chat with you-know-who could do the trick.
Lucky numbers: 3, 20, 22, 38, 42, 47
Daily Compatibility: Pisces
Jun 26, 2021
Capricorn Horoscope It could feel as if creativity surges through your veins! Harnessing and applying it could take the form of something artistic. But it could also involve you expressing yourself passionately and authentically to someone likely to appreciate you doing so. Choose that option and you probably won't struggle to find the right words to make a point or get someone on your side.
Lucky numbers: 9, 12, 27, 36, 43, 47
Daily Compatibility: Pisces
Jun 27, 2021
Capricorn Horoscope Sometimes, it can be hard to see a development as a 'blessing in disguise.' Rather than see how we benefit from what occurs, we focus instead on the change, upheaval, need to adapt, or finding resources we don't believe we have. But there's truth in the saying, 'as one door closes, another opens.' Try to accept what has run its course - and that an improvement awaits.
Lucky numbers: 2, 3, 7, 9, 25, 37
Daily Compatibility: Pisces
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Lean into your dreams and meditation on Friday and Saturday morning, as the Capricorn Moon lights up your twelfth house. The moon moves into your sign of Aquarius Saturday morning, highlighting your self-esteem and how you walk in the world. Venus moves into Leo as waves of fiery passion and romance roll into your seventh house of partnership. A date night to celebrate is a great idea! A Love Psychic can help you make the most of this transit.
Sunday a warm fuzzy feeling makes this an ideal time for sharing your emotions with loved ones. Increased popularity and generous mood make this a good time for socializing and dating. Intimate relationships will benefit from your openness and honesty. Mutual respect and understanding can lead to very successful personal and business partnerships. This is a time of good feelings and happiness.
Jun 25, 2021
Aquarius Horoscope Have you ever looked through the wrong end of a telescope or binoculars? You get a very inaccurate view of what you're looking at. Unless you're told or discover you're holding either the wrong way around, you could believe what you see. You now have a chance to see what's vague or confusing from a fresh perspective. You'll likely welcome the relief that comes from this, too.
Lucky numbers: 20, 25, 28, 32, 35, 42
Daily Compatibility: Libra
Jun 26, 2021
Aquarius Horoscope Do what you can to step in, lend a hand, an ear, or a shoulder to someone who may need one or all the above now. You could be their voice of reason. You can also bring a vibe of positivity and optimism to what they see bleakly or despairingly. Your unique brand of lightheartedness and ability to see what's undoubtedly positive could be the perfect remedy for someone's lack of faith.
Lucky numbers: 9, 26, 32, 33, 40, 43
Daily Compatibility: Sagittarius
Jun 27, 2021
Aquarius Horoscope Before we set off on a journey involving a canoe or boat, a realistic assessment of the weight we'll carry needs to be made. We often set unrealistic expectations regarding the pressure and effort required to make something happen. With too much of both, we create complications. Before you set off on something ambitious, try to reduce the weight on your shoulders before doing so.
Lucky numbers: 11, 18, 22, 24, 33, 49
Daily Compatibility: Gemini
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The Capricorn Moon on Friday and Saturday morning lights up your eleventh house of humanitarianism, inviting you to volunteer for a cause dear to your heart. The Aquarius Moon that follows illuminates your kingdom of the twelfth house, underscoring your dreams and encouraging your spiritual practices. Your ruling planet, Neptune, goes retrograde in your sign on Friday. Who you are and how you project yourself into the world is up for review. A Life Path Psychic can help you stay aligned.
Sunday is companionship becomes more important as you feel a longing to share the love with someone special. If you are single you may become obsessed with someone and not be able to get them out of your mind. Any new romance now would be a whirlwind experience and greatly change your life. Deeper feelings of love in an existing relationship can evolve it to a more profound or spiritual level.
Jun 25, 2021
Pisces Horoscope Today, your ruling planet Neptune goes retrograde until early December. Neptune rules, among many things, dreaminess, deceptiveness and illusions. What you can expect from today until the year draws to a close is something similar to the curtain being drawn back to expose the Wizard in 'The Wizard of Oz' for what he was. Whatever you've seen unrealistically, expect a veil to be removed.
Lucky numbers: 8, 28, 36, 41, 43, 49
Daily Compatibility: Cancer
Jun 26, 2021
Pisces Horoscope Answers or insights could arrive now or shortly, but possibly not in a way you expect. It could be your conscious mind that you're certain will help you get to the bottom of a sensitive or emotional issue. But try paying extra close attention to what your subconscious and dreams reveal. Even if you receive only fleeting images or visions, there could be a helpful message within them.
Lucky numbers: 4, 14, 15, 18, 27, 33
Daily Compatibility: Scorpio
Jun 27, 2021
Pisces Horoscope There's always something reassuring about being told, 'either way, you win.' It's also interesting how those words don't necessarily encourage us to kick back, become complacent or decide to do nothing. Although you could be in a win-win situation in some way, there are benefits to making a bit more of an effort - or pushing your luck. A pleasing outcome awaits, but it's not as final as it appears.
Lucky numbers: 4, 8, 10, 13, 22, 39
Daily Compatibility: Scorpio
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