Feminism in Tan Hiep Phat - The Leading Beverage Group in Vietnam

Feminism in Tan Hiep Phat - The Leading Beverage Group in Vietnam

"Women accounted for more than 35% of management positions in Tan Hiep Phat Group. There is no distinction between men and women at our company. The employess are evaluated based on the quality of their works," reaffirmed Deputy CEO Phuong Uyen Tran.
Vietnamese Family Business: Voice of Millennials

Vietnamese Family Business: Voice of Millennials

Looking back the history of Vietnamese business, the family businesses appeared very early but were broken due to the nation's fluctuations. Since 1986, the multi-sector economy has been recognized, but the views on the private economy have only become clearer since the VII Congress held in June 1991.
CEO Phuong Uyen Tran: Leading the Industry, with Family

CEO Phuong Uyen Tran: Leading the Industry, with Family

Deputy CEO of Tan Hiep Phat (THP) group shares her knowledge about the pros and cons of managing a family-owned business.
Phuong Uyen Tran: Biggest Treasure in Dr. Thanh's Million Dollar Legacy

Phuong Uyen Tran: Biggest Treasure in Dr. Thanh's Million Dollar Legacy

No money in the world can compare with the love Thanh Quy Tran has for his two daughters.
THP's Leader Shares Key To Stay Strong Amid Covid-19

THP's Leader Shares Key To Stay Strong Amid Covid-19

Covid-19 has brought very new experiences for both leaders and employees. It is most necessary to identify scenarios about the economy, business environment, and consumer taste to choose a solution.
Vietnamese Businesses Prioritize Healthy People Over Profits

Vietnamese Businesses Prioritize Healthy People Over Profits

The worsening pandemic has given struggling businesses little hope. However, some Vietnamese companies are going against the odds. For example, the Tan Hiep Phat (THP), a large scale beverage corporation in Vietnam, has gradually gained prestige in the international arena.
How Combating Your “Inner Heat” May Keep You Healthy In Today’s Environment

How Combating Your “Inner Heat” May Keep You Healthy In Today’s Environment

All across the world, societies, countries, and communities are being impacted by a global pandemic. While many experts are rushing to create a vaccine that will allow our communities to return to a normal state of affairs, the rest of us are searching for ways to keep ourselves, our family members, and businesses healthy and strong.
The Key to Successful Business Succession Planning

The Key to Successful Business Succession Planning

Regardless of what area of the world you examine, family-owned businesses are an integral part of the economy and society. Jobs, economic stability, and societal values are supported by these businesses that are built and shared with the communities they serve.
Family coaching - a turning point to sustainable development in family-owned businesses

Family coaching - a turning point to sustainable development in family-owned businesses

"Family-owned businesses only work well when there is good communication between different family members and across the generations.", said Tan Hiep Phat Group Deputy CEO Phuong Uyen Tran.
Initiatives of corporate social responsibility to build community connections

Initiatives of corporate social responsibility to build community connections

"Our third core value is to be a responsible member of Vietnamese community and society.", said Tan Hiep Phat Group Deputy CEO Phuong Uyen Tran.
THP's employees realize the importance of risk taking and self-improvement through failure

THP's employees realize the importance of risk taking and self-improvement through failure

"We try to encourage THP employees to understand that failure is all around us, and there is no reason to be afraid of it. It is something we should respect and try to learn from. ", said Tan Hiep Phat Group Deputy CEO Phuong Uyen Tran.
Two main reasons for Vietnamese to find teamwork particularly difficult

Two main reasons for Vietnamese to find teamwork particularly difficult

Phuong Uyen Tran, Tan Hiep Phat Group Deputy CEO, gave two main reasons why Vietnamese find teamwork particularly difficult.
Vision of THP's leader to ensure transparency and consistency across the company

Vision of THP's leader to ensure transparency and consistency across the company

"Technology was a tool that would give him better visibility over what was happening at the company", Tan Hiep Phat Group Deputy CEO Phuong Uyen Tran shared about her father's vision to ensure transparency and consistency across the THP.
Tran Ngoc Bich- the energetic leader and gentle wind beneath THP Group’ wings

Tran Ngoc Bich- the energetic leader and gentle wind beneath THP Group’ wings

In an interview with Vietnambiz, Tran Ngoc Bich, hailed the quiet rose of Tan Hiep Phat Group, shared her viewpoint when serving as the current Deputy CEO of Vietnam’s leading beverage company.
Elements highlighting THP's culture and to bring social benefits

Elements highlighting THP's culture and to bring social benefits

"At THP, we do not mind if staff members take our training and leave, because that benefits society, too.", said Tan Hiep Phat Group Deputy CEO Phuong Uyen Tran.
Specific steps to transfer family values from one generation to the next

Specific steps to transfer family values from one generation to the next

"What we said is that most successful multi-generational family businesses take very specific steps to transfer family values from one generation to the next.", said Tan Hiep Phat Group Deputy CEO Phuong Uyen Tran.
A story shows importance of taking responsibility to true leadership

A story shows importance of taking responsibility to true leadership

Tan Hiep Phat Group Deputy CEO Phuong Uyen Tran said that the true leadership means taking responsibility for their failure as well as success.
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