Soya Calcium: Bridging Generations with Complete Health and Beauty Care

Soya Calcium: Bridging Generations with Complete Health and Beauty Care

Soya Calcium has become a staple for many Vietnamese consumers. Made from pure soybeans, Soya Calcium is not just a tasty and nourishing beverage but also serves as a link between generations, aiding in the collective care of their nutrition and beauty.
Story of "Swimmer" Nguyen Thi Sa Ri's Will to Live

Story of "Swimmer" Nguyen Thi Sa Ri's Will to Live

Despite growing up with disabilities in both legs, Nguyen Thi Sa Ri did not give in to her circumstances but instead worked to surmount them, becoming a beacon of positivity for many. She is a highly accomplished athlete on the Vietnam National Swimming Team and also teaches complimentary classes in her native Long An.
Vietnamese Beverage Businesses Start to Quickly Enter Foreign Markets

Vietnamese Beverage Businesses Start to Quickly Enter Foreign Markets

Overcoming numerous difficulties in export activities, many domestic beverage businesses have gradually moved faster and deeper into foreign markets, affirming the unique mark of Vietnamese brands.
Beverage Giant THP Evolves for an Unpredictable Future

Beverage Giant THP Evolves for an Unpredictable Future

As healthy drinks with natural ingredients like winter melon tea and strawberry tea are taking over the market by storm, beverage giants like Tan Hiep Phat must re-evaluate corporate strategy and market approach to maintain the position as customers's best choice.
Secret to Replenishing Energy & Creativity

Secret to Replenishing Energy & Creativity

The human brain uses more energy than any other part of the body and so it needs constant replenishment.
How 2K5 Students De-Stress After Graduation Exam?

How 2K5 Students De-Stress After Graduation Exam?

Taking a break, going on a picnic, watching a movie, going to the street, or going home and enjoying the cool bottles of Zero Degree Green Tea without having to worry about homework are the things that the students will do after finishing the semester. The national high school graduation exam is full of stress and anxiety.
Feminism in Tan Hiep Phat - The Leading Beverage Group in Vietnam

Feminism in Tan Hiep Phat - The Leading Beverage Group in Vietnam

"Women accounted for more than 35% of management positions in Tan Hiep Phat Group. There is no distinction between men and women at our company. The employess are evaluated based on the quality of their works," reaffirmed Deputy CEO Phuong Uyen Tran.
Tan Hiep Phat Digitizes Purchasing Activities to Enhance Operational Capacity

Tan Hiep Phat Digitizes Purchasing Activities to Enhance Operational Capacity

The operation of SAP Ariba is one of the key projects in Tan Hiep Phat's digitization strategy from 2021 - 2026 to improve organizational capacity. This aims to develop technology, people, reach out to the world and achieve the revenue target of US$1 billion,” Tran Qui Thanh, founder of Tan Hiep Phat Group said when lauching SAP Ariba on April 7.
Number 1 Soya Affirms Its Position With Production Technology

Number 1 Soya Affirms Its Position With Production Technology

More than half a year after of debut, Number 1 Soya Calcium soy milk is drawing a certain attraction of Vietnamese consumers. Besides appearance and raw materials, modern cold aseptic filling technology (Aseptic) is considered a key factor in creating and enhancing the value of this product.
Tan Hiep Phat's centennial vision: Dive in Challenges to Assess Independent Viability

Tan Hiep Phat's centennial vision: Dive in Challenges to Assess Independent Viability

Growing up with Tan Hiep Phat, Phuong Uyen Tran, the group's Deputy CEO, is passionate about her parents' lifelong legacy. To build a business that can last for more than 100 years, Phuong and the next generations of leaders choose to uphold independence and transparency and set up a system that can operate smoothly, transparently, and professionally without having to depend on any individual.
Swiss Ultra 2022 Winner - Tan Hiep Phat's Brand Ambassador

Swiss Ultra 2022 Winner - Tan Hiep Phat's Brand Ambassador

Stepping to the podium to receive SwissUltra award, runner Thanh Vu wore a shirt with Number 1 logo. As Number 1 Energy Drink's brand ambassador, Thanh Vu is the proof that anyone can achieve their dreams, regardless of genders or nationality.
Tan Hiep Phat's Cooperate Culture: Every Manager is a Teacher

Tan Hiep Phat's Cooperate Culture: Every Manager is a Teacher

Tan Hiep Phat, a leading beverage company in Vietnam, upholds a principle: Managers must train and teach their subordinates. Tan Hiep Phat considers Vietnamese Teachers' Day (November 20) an occasion to express gratitude for managers, including Thanh Quy Tran and Nu Nhi Tran, the company's founders.
Tan Hiep Phat Finds Success with Green Economy Strategy

Tan Hiep Phat Finds Success with Green Economy Strategy

Tan Hiep Phat aims to rise strongly towards the sustainable development of the country. Therefore, it is willing to take a part of responsibility in the circular economy. Tran Uyen Phuong, Deputy CEO of Tan Hiep Phat Group shared the point at an event.
Tan Hiep Phat Accelerates Digitalization in the Suppply Chain

Tan Hiep Phat Accelerates Digitalization in the Suppply Chain

The CEO of Tan Hiep Phat Beverage Group (THP) Tran Qui Thanh has an ambitious plan to reach US $1 billion with a super platform to digitize commerce.
These Burning Summer Days

These Burning Summer Days

"Rice of our village/ Bears the July storms/ Bears the March rains/ Farmers' sweat pour/ During hot June noons/ The field is as hot as boiling water/ Hot enough to cook paradise fish/ Even crabs have to crawl to the shore/ Yet my mother walk down to plant the seeds." Tran Dang Khoa's poem, which embodies the extreme heat of summer, reminds those who have experienced those bittersweet days of the taste of their hometown's river soil, dip them in the village pond scented by blooming lotuses of a plenary childhood.
Tan Hiep Phat People: Hold Strong Beliefs To Face Continuous Challenges

Tan Hiep Phat People: Hold Strong Beliefs To Face Continuous Challenges

International developments have washed away the optimistic expectations for 2022. Phuong Hiep Phat's Deputy CEO, that the staff's continuous learning and strong belief in the company will push Tan Phat forward despite the current situation.
Tan Hiep Phat's CEO Tips on How to Run the Business Effectively

Tan Hiep Phat's CEO Tips on How to Run the Business Effectively

Fobes businesswoman, CEO Uyen's worldview has merged globalization with localization, drawing on both her international education and her experience working for the multinational firm founded by her parents. As East joins West in the world of business and Asian multinationals continue to rise, her wisdom and insights will guide us ahead.
Deputy CEO Phuong Uyen Tran on the Importance of Innovative Digital Transformation

Deputy CEO Phuong Uyen Tran on the Importance of Innovative Digital Transformation

Tan Hiep Phat's Deputy CEO said innovation needs attention from both leaders and employees to drive a business to success.
How to Lead Multi-national Business Through Hardships: Advice from Phuong Uyen Tran

How to Lead Multi-national Business Through Hardships: Advice from Phuong Uyen Tran

"Many businesses experience difficulties when they do not start small and slowly build to greater heights," says the businesswoman.
The Formula for Business Success - Customers Satisfaction: CEO Phuong Uyen Tran

The Formula for Business Success - Customers Satisfaction: CEO Phuong Uyen Tran

CEO Phuong Uyen Tran provided her insights on the importance of customer happiness to a company's success. "It's no secret", according to Phuong, "in order for a business to succeed, the people who buy your product or service must be satisfied".
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